Why would a gent want to keep his P411 and Eccie accounts separate?

Just like the title says. I find this to be a bit deceitful. What am I missing? Unless you are trying to hide something about your hobby behavior from the hobby community, why would it matter if the two accounts are associated with one hobbyist?

The reason I ask is because I recently had a request via p411 for an invite to the new private forum here on ECCIE. I said I would be happy to grant him access (since he had recent okays from verified ladies) but I would need his ECCIE handle to do so (obviously, since the forum is based within this site). He replied that he does not associate his p411account with his ECCIE account. Why would you not want to link the two??
I would assume that anyone who keeps the two separate might have something to hide. Maybe questionable posting history or on board persona.
My thoughts exactly.
How did he expect to be granted access without giving you his ECCIE handle?
Can't think of any reason.....any good one anyway.
Something to hide was my first thought.
Ya I can't even grant him access without knowing his handle here. Not sure he put those two pieces together before asking. Hey, score one for the smart folks. Lol
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
We all have something to hide. We are all being deceitful when participating in this hobby. There are plenty of bad reasons for keeping your P411 and ECCIE accounts separate, and there are plenty of good reasons for doing the same.

Avoiding drama would be one of the good reasons. There are multiple providers who have been known to get butthurt when a hobbyist reviews some other girl she doesn't like, or has gotten into an on the board spat over something meaningless with a friend of hers that wants to get vindictive. It's also an extra layer of security for the paranoid (some of whom are rightfully so). One less potential connection to the real world could be very important. And then there's the simple matter of people's on board personae not matching how they are in real life. Maybe he's a doofy joker on here, or brutally honest with advice, or whatever that doesn't necessarily constitute wrongdoing but doesn't give an accurate depiction of the perfect gentleman he will be in person, and he doesn't want to confuse things.

Of course, if he's using his P411 to request an invite to something on ECCIE, it's moronic not to expect the two to be linked. He's the one trying to link them, so having a problem when it actually starts to happen is just plain dumb.
Hercules's Avatar
There are some ladies who have P411 and do not see "eccie" guys.
I would assume that anyone who keeps the two separate might have something to hide. Maybe questionable posting history or on board persona. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
This could be true to a certain degree. Or like myself if ever a need to write a bad review, alert or say anything that usually get shit going around here. no worries. Don't let the join date fool you, I make my dates on p411 the ladies have no idea who I am on here
Hmmmm. Maybe this needs to be a new screening requirement of mine. If you wanna hide who you are in the hobby - FROM WITHIN THE HOBBY - I'd wonder what you are trying to hide from others IN THE HOBBY. 0.02

Do any ladies already screen for this? If so, what is your reasoning for accepting or declining an appt with a gent who does this?
And I catch shit for not hiding enough...
A tough line to walk .
True story.
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
I only have an ECCIE account, so my guess is

1. It is someone who is trying to hedge against being blackballed by a single provider, or
2. He may want a national clearance (P411) and a Dallas one for local banter
3. Trying to be discreet, i.e, keeping his options open if his SO finds one, he is not screwed
4. Hiding something

Just a wild ass guess on my part.
My guess is it's someone
Who has a history with you HotNurse,
Since you would be the only
One who would know the 2 linked accts.
Probably afraid you might use it against him one day.
Phone glitch
LickHer's Avatar
Just like the title says. I find this to be a bit deceitful. What am I missing? Unless you are trying to hide something about your hobby behavior from the hobby community, why would it matter if the two accounts are associated with one hobbyist?

The reason I ask is because I recently had a request via p411 for an invite to the new private forum here on ECCIE. I said I would be happy to grant him access (since he had recent okays from verified ladies) but I would need his ECCIE handle to do so (obviously, since the forum is based within this site). He replied that he does not associate his p411account with his ECCIE account. Why would you not want to link the two?? Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Probably because he's smart. Just like I've seen you more than once and you have no clue who I am by my ECCIE handle and I don't have a P411 account... These types of forum are not the type of thing most people want to be "known" for and certainly don't want multiple ones linked together...