Rush Can Leave Right Now

BigLouie's Avatar

And who knows what the hell Mitt is going to do.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
After a few years of Obamacare, you'll want to go with him, BigLouise. Let's check back in 3-4 years, and review how our socialist utopia is progressing.
Costa Rica, oh hell yea...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-29-2012, 04:56 AM
Costa Rica has national healthcare...
Costa Rica has national healthcare... Originally Posted by WTF
Oops, perhaps Rush should check out Syria!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Again Louise with the premature outbursts? I'm sure you get a lot of complaints about that from men. Yes, wait til 2014 when your taxes have gone up, your health insurance costs have gone up (and your choices have gone down), your tanning tax has gone up, Medicare has been affectively killed by Obamacare so you won't want to be young, old, a small business owner or employee in this country. I'm thinking about a little secluded valley in Colorado.
trynagetlaid's Avatar

I'm thinking about a little secluded valley in Colorado.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Might I suggest a foreign country instead? And why wait until 2014?
A whopping $1 trillion in new taxes, reduction in choices, expanded IRS enforcement, cuts in funding on elderly care, employee plans eliminated, and the poor will now be forced to pay for services.

What's not to like?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Costa Rica, oh hell yea... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Me too!
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Originally Posted by BigLouie
A model is 1/43 scale.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
It would be good riddance to get that blubbery walrus of Rush Limbaugh to leave this country, but why would Costa Rica want him?

What value does he bring to any country with only his constant rants against any Democratic President in power?

He is like an obese parasite leeching off a country, yet still complaining about it and wanting to be rid of the host that he is leeching from.

. . . He is the problem, but he won't leave!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, actually FastGoon, Rush sells a lot of stuff for his advertisers. But that's capitalism, and you don't like that.

Also, if you don't like him, don't listen. That's what I do. Hey! I can be your example! I'd be a good role model for you FastGoon, pay attention.
The left is jealous of success.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
If anybody thinks that Rush Limbaugh is a success or that he's useful because he "sells a lot of things" than you are totally delusional and will buy any kind of crap yourself.

No, I don't listen to him anymore, but I did give him a chance for a day or two when he first came on the national scene, but it soon became evident that all he does is spout hatred and condemns whatever Democratic President is in power.

There are also a lot of crappy shows on television (most of them, sadly enough) and they are there only because some sponsor thought there would be enough idiots watching the crappy show that they could peddle their own crappy merchandise in between with their commercials.

. . . Of course, when you cannot think for yourself then you will buy any shit (But, wait! If you order now, we'll give you this other shit for the amazing price of only $19.99!) simply because it's advertised on television and were hooked to the smell of shit like flies to a dung heap.

Rush is successful at selling alot of things because he maintains an audience of 30+/- listeners every weeek, going on 20 + years.....

I know you lefties don't know what success is, but trust me, Rush is a success.

The only comparable radio programing in leftdumb is NPR; which relies on government subsidies.