Trayvon Martin Rally - Dallas City Hall 7.20.13

AmarilloRey's Avatar
I Know Everyone Has Their Own Opinion About The Situation That Has Been Going On For The Past Year, and Last Weekend's Verdict Has Alot of People In Uproar. The Way I See It Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong. This Isn't a Time When Race Should Be a Barrier Between People. Instead of Mixing It Up, Lets All Gather Saturday @ Dallas City Hall and Show Our Support On Righteousness and In Making Our Country A Better Place.

"National Day of Action: Justice For Trayvon Martin"


1500 Marilla Street
Dallas, TX 75201

B.Wayne's Avatar
Odd... I don't recall such a big fuss for Casey Anthony's little girl.
AmarilloRey's Avatar
Hey... We Can't Change Yesterday but We Can Make The Best Out of Today and Put Forth The Seeds For a Better Tomorrow. Never Too Late For Change and Making a Difference. It's Time to Educate One Another
Odd... I don't recall such a big fuss for Casey Anthony's little girl. Originally Posted by B.Wayne
You have no idea how disgusted I am that sociopath of a person.
AmarilloRey's Avatar
If We Don't Educate Then We Can't Prevent
pyramider's Avatar
The stupid should not be martyred ........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZ
Eccie Addict's Avatar
OP do you actually hit the shift key at the beginning of every word?
Isn't this in the wrong section? Should be moved IMO HOBBY RELATED ONLY in this section
Budman's Avatar
Perhaps you should try to listen to the evidence presented in the trial and quit paying attention to the morons like Al Sharpton.

I will be very surprised if some of these rallies don't turn into riots and looting. Have fun and maybe you can score a new TV.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
What educating are you talking about? The "either you believe what we believe or we will bash your head in" type of educating? Yeah no thanks. People need to move on about this. Race had nothing to do with this what so ever no matter how hard y'all want it to be.

Yeah it was sad he died but Zimmerman did not set out to kill him and Trayvon's friend Gentile sure did not help Martin out by claiming Zimmerman might be gay and trying to rape him.

Move on to more terrible problems in this world.
thisguy23's Avatar
Like I'm gonna do that right when Kate is about to have the baby.
gimme_that's Avatar
As soon as I got my Trayvon Martin verdict results I threw away all my Vitamin D milk and bought all chocolate milk only. Got it straight outta my house....couldn't stand it.

And truth be told.....all my milk was expired anyways......But that's my lil tribute, and I'm sticking to it dag nabbit.
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
My comments are best left to myself.
Race had nothing to do with this what so ever no matter how hard y'all want it to be. Originally Posted by smoothnsilky
You're over-simplifying. Did race have everything to do with it? No. Did race have nothing to do with it? No.

To the OP, for your next post, to make it fit with this Forum, include any one of the following at the end...

While I'm here, what size dick to providers like?
While I'm here, do providers like DATY?
While I'm here, do providers fake it?
While I'm here, what's up with NBA?
While I'm here, what's up with BBFS?
bojulay's Avatar
What will the rally be celebrating anyway.

The fact that two rather stupid people met on a sidewalk
one day and one of them wound up getting shot.

Someone please explain, Bojulay no understand.

All that can really be said about the whole thing is that
it was a very unfortunate event, bad leading to worse
and someone got killed.

Zimmerman had his trial and was found not guilty.
He's not some kind of hero and Martin's not some
kind of martyr ether.