The New Taliban in New Orleans

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Having been away I don't know if anyone has mentioned the Taliban in the Big Easy tearing up statues to people unable to defend themselves. This country has a past whether or not you like it. Up here in Kansas are some statues to honor a mass murderer named John Brown. He cloaked his violence in the folds of abolitionism but he was still a murderer.
They've convinced the mindless masses to dishonor Robert E. Lee who fought an honorable war for a lost cause. Lee never attacked civilian population centers like Sherman did but his side lost so his statue gets taken down (I hear it's going to be replaced by Harvey Milk taking one up the ass. WTF is the model.) So what's next? The Washington Monument coming down because George owned slaves? They could always call that huge erection the Clinton monument I suppose. We'll have to bulldoze any memory of anyone who has a stain on their character...unless they're liberals.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-22-2017, 01:17 PM
Look , for once I agree with your dumbass. Nobody even gives a fuck about those statues. Shit ,you can even keep up your Hitler statue for all I care.

Who gives a fuck of a statue of a dead person get a life OP.
Look , for once I agree with your dumbass. Nobody even gives a fuck about those statues. Shit ,you can even keep up your Hitler statue for all I care.

. Originally Posted by WTF
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-22-2017, 01:52 PM
I'm ok with it.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So I'll put the three of you down for the American Taliban then.
bamscram's Avatar
So I'll put the three of you down for the American Taliban then. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I will put you down for slavery being honorable.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-22-2017, 04:51 PM
So I'll put the three of you down for the American Taliban then. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
JD, I do not give a fuck one way or the other. Like I said , if you want to put your Hitler statue up , I wouldn't give a fuck. Put up your gay ass poster of Cher for all I care.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, nothing about Lee's fighting skills had the slightest thing to do with put you down for being Taliban as well?
JD, I do not give a fuck one way or the other. Like I said , if you want to put your Hitler statue up , I wouldn't give a fuck. Put up your gay ass poster of Cher for all I care. Originally Posted by WTF
Is that like YOU putting up your POSTER(S) of Liberace, Caitlyn Jenner and Bradley / Chelsea Manning ?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-22-2017, 05:11 PM
Well, nothing about Lee's fighting skills had the slightest thing to do with put you down for being Taliban as well? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You are one dense mofo.

I said I do not give a fuck.

If New Orleans wants to take it down, that is the City's right, just like if they wanted yo put ip a statue of David Duke.

Taint none of my business. I don't live there.

The federal government is not making them do so. Sounds like a local issue being handled locally!

You're sounding idiotic here, just like the old JD!
Lee's fighting skills?

Outdated Napoleanic Tactics in the face of modern weaponry such as the Rifled Mini Ball Musket and devastating canister cannon fire.

This could possibly be justified in the first months of the War. But not after that.

General George Pickett said it. "That old man destroyed my Division".
  • DSK
  • 05-22-2017, 09:56 PM
Lee's fighting skills?

Outdated Napoleanic Tactics in the face of modern weaponry such as the Rifled Mini Ball Musket and devastating canister cannon fire.

This could possibly be justified in the first months of the War. But not after that.

General George Pickett said it. "That old man destroyed my Division". Originally Posted by Jackie S
The old man, Robert E. Lee of Arlington, Virginia, employed terrible tactics at Gettysburg, against the advice of his commanders. The open charge across that field into Cemetery Ridge destroyed the Southern Army, and with it, mankind's hope for a more just form of government, a confederation of states.

As for the statues, get used to the tearing down of statues of dead white men. The US government officially hates whitey.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
mayor landrieu who is black is doing this in a grandstanding way. this has to do with next years New Orleans tri-centennial anniversary (300).
Its about changing the image of the city.

incidentally, the city council & Landrieu approved the slave muesuem for the water front in 2015, the same year they voted to remove the monuments.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Mitch Landrieu is white. Marc Morial and Ray Nagan were black.

Little known fact about Gettysburg that cost Lee dearly. The fuses for their cannon had not been properly timed before use. Height above sea level can affect the delay. The exploding rounds fired at the Union troops on Cemetary Ridge behind the wall exploded fairly harmlessly about a hundred yards behind them. Picketts charge would probably still failed but with the Union line under bombardment, you never really know.

I guess I should clarify for the mental midgets (you don't know who you are), I'm talking about the fuses going to the cannon balls and not the cannon itself.