Review Mystery; aka I'm having a lame Friday night

Was bored and got curious what the most viewed indie review in Dallas was. I figured it'd be something controversial, like a Tara review, or possibly the first review of a superstar fresh on the scene.

So I sorted by views, and this came up:

Over 30,000 views, yet only one reply, and the provider being reviewed isn't exactly some big player on the scene. I don't get it.

Now I'm curious, so if anybody has an explanation of why this review would be so highly viewed, please, enlighten me.
OldGrump's Avatar
My guess is that there seems to be a strong urge to mine gold on BP and the review title got their interest since most BP girls are a crap shoot. (Like in "Oh shoot, that wasn't worth crap").
FishGuy13's Avatar
LOL I guess a lot of guys were drooling over her ad.
I'm thinking that it contains some word that is often searched for, so it comes up in a lot of searches.

When I've tried to search for a pair of words, I get matches on all posts containing either word.

Maybe the word "sexy" or "bare"

hwygnome's Avatar
Well you pointed it out to us as something to go look at.


The writer wanted to make sure he had the proper spelling and grammar.


Somebody wanted to see how many tabs they could have open.


Somebody got off reading the review a few times.

Having not seen it I have no flipping idea.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Just speculation, but I'd guess some popular site linked to this review at one time (maybe a news site doing an article about pay for play?). I checked google and didn't find any sites currently linking to this page however.

EDIT: Looking at the other most viewed threads, it seems like the ones that don't have many replies all have words in the title that would make them more likely to show up on internet searches. So, perhaps people are innocently searching for jazz reviews in Dallas and just happen to find themselves on an escort review site?
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Was bored and got curious what the most viewed indie review in Dallas was. I figured it'd be something controversial, like a Tara review, or possibly the first review of a superstar fresh on the scene. Originally Posted by TheBizz
Bored a little myself so tried to sort by replies to reviews. Tara reviews came in 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 15th, and 17th!
cheatercheater's Avatar
You guys need to push the shut down button on your computer and back away! Go get laid!
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Haha! Yes, indeed!