Discounts for long distant travel visit?

Secret_Amore's Avatar
OK so I've been a little bit weary of broaching this topic but i've decided tentevily put it out there.

ok so at the last social I attended P. diddy (<-not real handle name) was talking to someone about how provider charge more for and outcall and the baseline reasoning being that it's to cover the cost of gas which he thought was reasonable But wonder why isn't there some kind of discount for the gents who are willing to drive a go distance (like the other side of town or further) to have a date with a Lady? wouldn't that be fair as the cost of gas affect him just like it would a lady providing an outcall to see him. and I kinda agree. like I think it's kinda fair If I knew a gent was driving a long way to see me I'd be inclined to off a bit of a discount for gas. I have a friend who lives out in westlake (though she thinks she lives in Austin cause utilities bills are from austin) and everytime I go to visit her...uggg the gas. the whole trip there and back is a quarter tank. she doesn't drive so I'm always making the effort on My dime.

anyways as the distance, the amount of gas to get there, and cost to replenish it. might be a deterrent. wouldn't it be a nice lil buff to offer a discount?

what say Ye ladies and gents?

edited per Victoria advice
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Its never a good idea ever to mention anyones name who may or may not of attended a social..unless they post they posted they were there its almost considered outing in a way...

On the topic...we are running a business and yes discounts are great but seriously if they cant afford the $15 extra for gas they really shouldn't be blowing hundreds of dollars(but thats none of my business) ..When I go to a concert in SA I dont make the venue give me a discount because I drove my car somewhere I want to go to do something fun for me....

Alot of ladies charge more for outcalls for other reasons then gas...For example when I do a call that already costs me $ for a say I am going on an outcall to South Austin.. it can be a 20 to 40 minute drive depending on time of day so now not only am I covering gas but have to pay my sitter for an extra hour or so because of my travel time... Im sure other ladies can to add to this...

For me personally I only do outcalls with gents I know and trust to behave so if Im on an outcall they already are getting my repeat discount and no extra charge..but thats me
Secret_Amore's Avatar
that makes sense....
Here is my take on this.

I do not expect any discounts for me driving to you, That is MY CHOICE!! , that would a be a nice gesture but its never expected.

Now on the other hand I will never see a Traveling Provider that up-charges as soon as she crosses the Travis County line. That is the cost of doing business!! To me that is a jaded approach and it shows to me all you care about is $$$$$
knotty man's Avatar
i never expect discounts for travelin also. but, coming from killeen, i do try to schedule so as to take advantage of the fact that i may be in the area doing other things i.e. a social, a party, xmas shopping, etc..
but, it does tend to influence who i see. i have a bigger truck , and a $240 date can easily run into the 300 range with gas nowdays.
it doesnt change who i want to see, but it does affect how often i can see them or any lady in the austin area.;
on the plus side, it does keep me from hobbying too often and out of budget and ill never need a short notice call. if im gonna drive that far, im definitely gonna make sure i schedule in advance
I have given guys discounts for driving to me from Killeen or SA. Especially if they are military. I feel pretty honored if a guy drives from far away to just come see me. If he Doesn't get a discount, he is damn sure getting my extra time.