Brand New

Phone number that has brought a brand new attitude!

469.951.9150 is necessary for me, Maddalyn Haze, to apologize to the one's who have recently taken the time to see/contact me. Having a SO as a provider can be, we'll literally impossible. No if's, and's, or butts about it. Oops, but's. Due to having SO, and tag alongs, I have allowed myself to be influenced with the wrong kind of etiquette. After these weeks, which I'll just call punishment, I am recognozing, accepting, changing, as well as apologizing for the way I have acted & reacted. The crazy rants and raves, popcorn always a must (bahaha), along with having an SO (who honestly is no where near pimp), has tremendously...wait, I have allowed these changes, and mess ups. But just know I'm saying sorry, and working on myself, which includes surrounding people, places and things. So there ya go! I know I've not been the Maddalyn Haze everyone once knew & visited, so I'm working on getting her back.
Chung Tran's Avatar
what a charming post to begin the week! hopefully your words translate to real action, but this is a great start..
what a charming post to begin the week! hopefully your words translate to real action, but this is a great start.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
+1, it takes a strong person to publicly admit there shortcomings. Remember, anyone can say the words, but it's up to you to put meaning behind them.
daty/o's Avatar
Very nice, Maddie. I'm sure you will be back on a lot of atf lists.
TinMan's Avatar
Come to Fort Worth, the Land of Second Chances!
Invisible1's Avatar
Maddalyn, your post is really heartfelt. I for one certainly accept your apology. You are an awesome lady in so many ways. It sounds like you and your SO + tag-a-longs have come to an understanding. I wish you all the best with your new found attitude.
Your post really says a lot about you. I think if your SO and tag-a-longs are truly good with being "invisible" you may quickly become very very popular again. You are one talented lady who certainly deserves another chance.
rcinokc's Avatar
Nothing wrong with having an SO, just don't take him to work with you and everything will be good.
koseylee's Avatar
Invisible1's Avatar
Hey, Maddalyn put the SO on leash away from the incall, that's a huge step. She is probably broke and is putting the sessions too close to each other. I think she will work it out. Maddalyn rocks the spinnerific world BCD....and she is just getting the kinks out of her new set up. It is so worth while giving her more chances.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Hey, Maddalyn put the SO on leash away from the incall, that's a huge step. She is probably broke and is putting the sessions too close to each other. I think she will work it out. Maddalyn rocks the spinnerific world BCD....and she is just getting the kinks out of her new set up. It is so worth while giving her more chances. Originally Posted by Invisible1
Why? There are so many loyal good looking ladies here that don't have pimp boyfriends hanging around, have safe private clean incalls, good tcb and bcd skills. Ladies that put effort into being the best providers they can be.

Why continue to give chances to a girl who clearly can't get her shit together just because she's a spinner? Plenty of other ladies that size and just as hot who don't have these issues.

Nothing wrong with having a so but if you are smart and a good provider nobody would know about it especially your clients.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-14-2015, 03:27 PM
I love giving second chances and I really like the nice slim legs she has also, come to trick daddy cutie
Invisible1's Avatar
Why? There are so many loyal good looking ladies here that don't have pimp boyfriends hanging around, have safe private clean incalls, good tcb and bcd skills. Ladies that put effort into being the best providers they can be.

Why continue to give chances to a girl who clearly can't get her shit together just because she's a spinner? Plenty of other ladies that size and just as hot who don't have these issues.

Nothing wrong with having a so but if you are smart and a good provider nobody would know about it especially your clients. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Jules, I am so sorry to have to lay this out like I am about to do.......Echem, You have obviously never had sex with a 5', 95 lb spinnerific spinner with lots of energy that squirts, grabs the sheets when she O's very hard, and (when she is not flustered by outside bullshit) really gets into the session. IJS.

Jules, don't get me wrong, you are a wonderful milf partner with a rock solid reliable provider reputation. There are other spinners who also have solid reps too. On the other hand, Maddalyn is a hot energetic spinnerific partner with a happy edginess that many other providers don't posses (with or without an SO).

Some guys here jump through flaming hoops in the form of delays, poor communication and forgotten time schedules to see Alisha the freak. I can't explain exactly why they want to see Alisha and don't only want see providers who put so much effort into being the best providers they can be. Perhaps it is similar to why anyone doesn't always do what others think they should do. Perhaps some guys just need a little wild unknown sometimes. Sorta like some providers who really get aroused when about to meet a new guy they know very little about. I guess as long as we each feel that there is a certain minimum level of's just WALDTs.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Jules, I am so sorry to have to lay this out like I am about to do.......Echem, You have obviously never had sex with a spinnerific spinner with lots of energy that squirts, grabs the sheets when she O's very hard and (when she is not flustered by outside bullshit) really gets into the session. IJS.

Jules, don't get me wrong, you are a wonderful milf partner with a rock solid reliable provider reputation. There are other spinners who also have solid reps too. On the other hand, Maddalyn is hot energetic spinnerific partner with an edginess that many other providers don't posses (with or without an SO).

Some guys here jump through flaming hoops in the form of delays, poor communication and forgotten time schedules to see Alisha the freak. I can't explain exactly why they want to see Alisha and don't only want see providers who put so much effort into being the best providers they can be. Perhaps it is similar to why anyone doesn't always do what others think they should do. Perhaps some guys just need a little wild unknown sometimes. Sorta like some providers who really get aroused when about to meet a new guy they know very little about. I guess as long as we each feel that there is a certain minimum level of's just WALDTs. Originally Posted by Invisible1
Good answer I see where u are coming from.

totally hope she gets her act together shes super hot.

In the meantime if someone still chooses to see her knowing the risks I don't imagine they will get much sympathy from other members when they come back here reporting their negative experience.
I've chatted with her via PM and I think she's a great gal! I'm just not into the 98lb thing. She seems to have a great personality though!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-14-2015, 03:46 PM
a 5', 95 lb spinnerific spinner with lots of energy that squirts, grabs the sheets when she O's very hard Originally Posted by Invisible1
That's all that caught most guys attention in here, that's hard to find in here.