read this and give your opinion

I recieved this link....://
than i recieved this email..
Hello Ladies ~

This is Lisa Wolf, Empowerment Coordinator for Provider's Voice. It has come to my attention that something unusual occurred, with the staff, on Thursday, October 27th. Although we are not clear, at this point, as to what exactly happened, until you receive a reasonable explanation from, we advise you to limit your contact/advertising through If you choose to communicate with your contacts, we advise you to divert to your personal e-mail addresses, for the time being. Feel free to contact me, with any questions or concerns.

Be Safe and Aware,

Lisa Wolf
Empowerment Coordinator
Provider’s Voice

has anyone heard of this providersvoice?
macksback's Avatar
I haven't.Can't find anything on google also.
Maybe you should have posted this in the providers' forums? Just sayin'.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Maybe you should have posted this in the providers' forums? Just sayin'. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Actually, I think this an okay spot to place this thread given clients also use

I'll be honest. What happened there does give me a rise of small concern when it comes to using Escorts to see a provider. I think I'll cross reference more with other sites, and only see providers that are on another site besides just Escorts.

Also the suggestion of using e-mail vs the Escorts message system is probably a good idea if contacting a provider for the first time. I think it is probably okay use Escorts message system is you have had previous contact with a given provider.

I just think this is really a tempest in a teapot, but we should always listen to our spidey senses.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Irish Vixen:

Check out my post on the Alabama "Alerts" board. was raided by LE a few days ago and may not be safe to use now - hard to tell. Use caution!

pyramider's Avatar
Just let the dust settle and see what's left of Then figure out how to best proceed.
i know that is why i found this email odd...and no one has heard of this and I was wondering if other providers recieved one
Irish Vixen:

Check out my post on the Alabama "Alerts" board. was raided by LE a few days ago and may not be safe to use now - hard to tell. Use caution!

JaG Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS
DallasRain's Avatar
I just deleted it.
Honestly, I haven't logged into since the FEDS got some sort of data from the parent company.

I haven't disabled my profile (have to log in to do that) and if I get a mail from that service - well, I'm thinking it will probably bounce back to sender.

All I can say is:

Play Safe
BadWolf's Avatar
I would ignore and delete the email...the timing makes me quite suspicious
I received that as a PM through Nothing I hadn't already heard/wasn't doing already. No idea who the organization or individual is, though.