Cheaters TV

dals's Avatar
  • dals
  • 09-06-2017, 02:19 PM
So...working from home today. Or, as I think of it, watching tv and answering emails. I am on a run of the show Cheaters right now. I know that show is filmed in Dallas. So here is what makes me curious: have any Big D providers ever been busted out by Cheaters? Watching it through a brand new lense!
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
After my divorce in 2001 I had been told my ex-SO had contacted the show to follow me to try to catch me. She had an idea I may had been cheating.

I always cringed while watching the show with the thought in the back of my head that the poor guy I'm watching could've been me.
dals's Avatar
  • dals
  • 09-06-2017, 03:31 PM
Most of the girls they follow, or discover in their following are worthy. Still kind of funny to think about though.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
That show is so fake I have a friend who appeared twice the second her face was blurred of course but I think she said she was paid like 300 bucks.
Generic White Guy's Avatar
Years ago, I was in a strip club (in Dallas) and they come busting in and went to the VIP Rooms... Crazy scene...
You do know its fake, right? They are called actors with a script even
Years ago, I was in a strip club (in Dallas) and they come busting in and went to the VIP Rooms... Crazy scene... Originally Posted by Generic White Guy
and no, without management permission, they could never do that. Its fake
dals's Avatar
  • dals
  • 09-06-2017, 09:33 PM
I really don't care if it is fake, and honestly, does not keep the thought from being amusing.
That show is so fake I have a friend who appeared twice the second her face was blurred of course but I think she said she was paid like 300 bucks. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Yep, it's complete fabricated bullshit.
Chung Tran's Avatar
is Cheaters still on, with original current programs, not reruns?

if so, how do I find it?

I had a couple of clients some years ago, who were actresses on Cheaters.. they told me the first of the 2 scenes shown on each episode was real, part 2 was fake.. after that when I watched, I recalled what I was told, and they seemed to be right.. scene one was always longer, had few edits, less drama.. scene 2 was shorter, edited heavily, and over-the-top with ridiculous dialogue.
I recognized a provider on Cheaters that I had seen several times. I was stunned that she was with some biker trash dude hanging with at a biker club. I texted her and asked about it. She did a LOL and told me it was a paid acting job and most of the people on the show are actors.

Remember, there is very little real in Reality TV.

My favorite episode is the one where the couple use the in-room Jacuzzi to cook dozens of packs of Ramen Noodles so they can have sex in tub full of noodles. When the cameras bust in the place is covered in noodles. I cannot imagine the mess the maids had to clean up.

Once I found out it was fake, or mostly fake, I gave up and stopped watching it. It used to be on Ch 21.
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
It's not all fake, or at least it wasn't back in the day..

I've seen people I know in real life on episodes and it was their real life playing out on the screen and they aren't actors. There were also some obviously fake relationships/situations on the show as well. 10 years ago when it was mostly real with just some fake situations it was more entertaining. We used to watch it before heading out to the club..

I haven't really watched it in about 5 years so I don't know how they work these days. Like most "reality shows" the producers have to throw some fake/contrived stuff in eventually because real life isn't always that entertaining.
bored@home's Avatar
That show is so fake I have a friend who appeared twice the second her face was blurred of course but I think she said she was paid like 300 bucks. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Hmmm...wonder if we have the same friend...probably not because mine said she wasn't paid, did it for "fame" and now has to explain to her underlings it's a fake reality show.