r ...e ...s ...p ...e ...c ...t

Plastic Man's Avatar
there be too much ...fussin an a feudin ...between the jimmies an the ...funnels an it be makin yer plastic man ...sad

it be time ta ...come together ...ta show each other the love an ...respect every precious ...member ...deserves ...an ta smoke the gold dildo of ...peace

...now who be ready ta take the first ...puff

Ceremony's Avatar
Sock it to me.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Oh yes, no question.

My feelings here are please Commissioner Gordon, flash the plastic signal already.

For all of our sakes.
Plastic Man's Avatar
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Plastic man for Prez...of the US..of A...
I respect the hell out of plastic man for starting this thread....
Glad I beat the rhc's here....
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I dig the Plastic Man...oh yes I do...Plastic Man for Prez
offshoredrilling's Avatar
e cigarette that looks like a dildo????
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Lol Originally Posted by TechnoViking
btw> if you want a e cigarette that looks like a dildo
