This was in Seattle But.....

  • cr76
  • 12-21-2016, 09:11 PM
Sarunga's Avatar
Well, you could send a PM to staff, here:

...asking to disable your account.

They are going to need a reason to do that. You could probably say, something like, "I'm too much of a pussy to post on an anonymous SHMB".

Just my thoughts.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Run away, run away..........
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Wow, how unsettling. However, I see no way that these men could have been fairly prosecuted to success without the affirmative cooperation of the hookers and perhaps The Review Board admin. Otherwise, how does anyone know that the writers weren't just making their stories up? That it wasn't bravado bragging fiction like Penthouse Letters, or the wishful porn on any erotica site? Note that the article doesn't indicate that even one fellow was actually CONVICTED. Most succumbed to blackmail-like pressure from the DA in the form of more publicity and additional bulltwinkie charges about the "advancement of prostitution" and made dumb-ass deals. Yeah, that sets a great tone for morality enforcement, ruining the lives of consenting adults over questionable tales of tail.

The providers, well, that's a separate issue, what with advertising and soliciting and fishnets of entrapment.

All posts on ECCIE are just figments of our disturbed dining habits and imaginative wet dreams, ya know. In the words of Scrooge to his visiting Ghosts of Christmas:

“You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!”
  • cr76
  • 12-22-2016, 03:43 PM
Thank I'll take it under advisement.

interesting thought fancy
You can still read reviews of a disabled account.
NMEufdaST8's Avatar
Some further discussion of this issue here and here.
  • cr76
  • 12-22-2016, 10:34 PM
Some further discussion of this issue here and here. Originally Posted by NMEufdaST8
Thank you sir
Carmelita DeLeón's Avatar
Agree 101%

Wow, how unsettling. However, I see no way that these men could have been fairly prosecuted to success without the affirmative cooperation of the hookers and perhaps The Review Board admin. Otherwise, how does anyone know that the writers weren't just making their stories up? That it wasn't bravado bragging fiction like Penthouse Letters, or the wishful porn on any erotica site? Note that the article doesn't indicate that even one fellow was actually CONVICTED. Most succumbed to blackmail-like pressure from the DA in the form of more publicity and additional bulltwinkie charges about the "advancement of prostitution" and made dumb-ass deals. Yeah, that sets a great tone for morality enforcement, ruining the lives of consenting adults over questionable tales of tail.

The providers, well, that's a separate issue, what with advertising and soliciting and fishnets of entrapment.

All posts on ECCIE are just figments of our disturbed dining habits and imaginative wet dreams, ya know. In the words of Scrooge to his visiting Ghosts of Christmas:

“You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!” Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
ShysterJon's Avatar
Guest122516's Avatar

"Unfortunately for members of “The League,” these idiots gave up their driver’s licenses and all of their personal information to the owner of The Review Board so they could become elite buyer’s of sex or whatever they thought they were getting. Read it again. To join the League, members were required to provide a copy of their actual driver’s licenses to the owner of The Review Board. I was shocked that anyone could be so stupid. But, they were."

LexusLover's Avatar
"After initially portraying these men as a despicable ring of international sex-slave circulators, King County wound up letting most of them off with a bit of community service or electronic-home monitoring and an admission to posting on while knowing that it might “advance” prostitution."

Who's posting about "prostitution" on here?

I thought these reviews were all FAKE.
  • cr76
  • 12-24-2016, 06:12 AM
From what I've read so far, it seems like the issue had a bigger downfall the. Just guys writing reviews
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

"Unfortunately for members of “The League,” these idiots gave up their driver’s licenses and all of their personal information to the owner of The Review Board so they could become elite buyer’s of sex or whatever they thought they were getting. Read it again. To join the League, members were required to provide a copy of their actual driver’s licenses to the owner of The Review Board. I was shocked that anyone could be so stupid. But, they were."

Originally Posted by kiwilover02
so when the shit hit the fan the board owner ratted them out to save his own ass...hmmm OK interesting lol
  • pxmcc
  • 12-24-2016, 09:01 AM
Whatever happened to "free" speech? And posting positively about prostitution? So if I say a ho was god-awful and I give her a "hell nah!" then I'm gtg?
None of these guys should have copped a plea. Make the state prove it's case beyond reasonable doubt. I bet the DA would've said no damn way I'm taking this lame ass case to trial. As it stands, every one of these guys is gonna have a Promotion of Prostitution on his record every time he applies for a new job, tries to lease an apartment, etc. Might as well be a convicted sex offender; i.e., rapist or child molester.