Because big pharma never promotes the preventive end!
Definitely a great idea to ask one's doctor about PrEP!

Also good to know about PEP, which can be taken following a possible exposure to greatly decrease the chances of seroconversion.

That said, condoms (used correctly every time) are great protection against HIV and so those using condoms consistently will probably be told they aren't a good candidate for PrEP.
Definitely a great idea to ask one's doctor about PrEP!

Also good to know about PEP, which can be taken following a possible exposure to greatly decrease the chances of seroconversion.

That said, condoms (used correctly every time) are great protection against HIV and so those using condoms consistently will probably be told they aren't a good candidate for PrEP. Originally Posted by GemmaParadise
True, but they should be giving this stuff away like candy!
True, but they should be giving this stuff away like candy! Originally Posted by ilovethemgirls68
I've been glad to see lots of public advertisements for it in New Orleans. I've also been seeing more on social media. A lot of people have no idea that this is an option and spreading awareness is crucial.

However, like with any medication I think it's a very personal decision and not right for everyone. It does have side effects, and risks may be bigger for some people than others.

Misinformation about HIV also creates potentially deeply flawed risk assessment. Someone who uses condoms correctly every time for vaginal and anal sex and does not share needles to inject IV drugs is simply not at significant risk. However, it's certainly just fine for someone to take PrEP just for peace of mind even if they aren't high risk!
True, but they should be giving this stuff away like candy! Originally Posted by ilovethemgirls68
Actually, they kinda are. There's ads all over the place about it and multiple places where uninsured/low income folks can get it for free/minimal cost.

What I think is actually missing is the education that should come with it. Just because someone is on PReP, that doesn't mean they should forego safer sex practices. There have been cases (even if not many) of people contracting HIV while taking PReP. Without education, I can see how many people will think now they can have bareback/unsafe sex and be alright. Which is a bad, bad idea.
My understanding is that there have only been two cases of people seroconverting while on PrEP. It is more than 99% effective. For context, condoms are generally considered 98-99% effective.

That said, PrEP does not protect against other STDs, and condoms are indeed another layer of protection against HIV. But PrEP is absolutely without a doubt effective for preventing HIV.

There will always be people who choose not to use condoms every time and it's good that there's another option for them.

Actually, they kinda are. There's ads all over the place about it and multiple places where uninsured/low income folks can get it for free/minimal cost.

What I think is actually missing is the education that should come with it. Just because someone is on PReP, that doesn't mean they should forego safer sex practices. There have been cases (even if not many) of people contracting HIV while taking PReP. Without education, I can see how many people will think now they can have bareback/unsafe sex and be alright. Which is a bad, bad idea.
Originally Posted by ZorahMatta
Maybe at home in NOLA but I haven't seen any ads here in Baton Rouge :-/. You're right that safe practices is still important.
Maybe at home in NOLA but I haven't seen any ads here in Baton Rouge :-/. You're right that safe practices is still important. Originally Posted by ilovethemgirls68
I'm sorry to hear that. There definitely should be accessible information about it everywhere. Hopefully soon enough!