New vixen in town - Gang Mills

Date: 06/28/2024
Provider: Ashley
Phone or Pager: 607-358-0446
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: Corning
State: NY
Area :Downtown single room dwelling
Appointment Type : Incall
Provider Category: Independent
Activities:DFK, DATY, CBJ, K9
Session Length Scheduled: 1hr
Was Tipping or Upselling an issue? No
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes, mostly accurate
Hair Color and Length: Short dark hair in a bun
Age: mid 30s
Race: Caucasian
Perfume/Fragrance: Fruity sweet body spray/perfume
Smoking Status: Smoker (Staff edit)
Where did you hear about this provider? ASPD
Providers Body: Shorter than expected, decent breasts, nice ass, very toned legs. Likes to throw her ass back.
Recommend: Yes for the price
elghund's Avatar

I thought ASPD has been long gone?
I really miss ASPD
ben dover's Avatar
I thought ASPD has been long gone? Originally Posted by quimps
Yeah, around 15 years gone.
Ok, so I’m confused. Let alone ASPD being long gone, where in the fuck did you find this review template OP?
Cock pics wil

travel to gangs mills

whereever that is
Ok, so I’m confused. Let alone ASPD being long gone, where in the fuck did you find this review template OP? Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Use the provided template and submit a review. Then "edit" the review and you can add, remove, or edit/change the wording of any line in the template.

Just remember, you only get one hour after submitting to edit.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Please do not modify the templates this can cause a rejection of the encounter
Shoot kinda like the template