West Texas is too Broad to be one Region

fallen2842's Avatar
Is there any way, or at least consideration, of dividing "west Texas" into separate areas or into sub groups. The area from El Paso to Midland alone is 300 miles.

I'm having a difficult time finding providers in the Midland-Odessa area and often have to look through ads for providers in El Paso, Lubbock, Amarillo, etc.

Also there needs to be a way to pin down where the provider is and if they are active in a particular city/town.
CryptKicker's Avatar
It's a good suggestion but there is not enough traffic on the West Texas board to justify the separation.
Clandestine's Avatar
It would be great if the providers in the Showcase were grouped by city.
houston.alexxx's Avatar
As long as we're wishing..... I think it would be great if you could search providers by the activities they offer.
Phrasing's Avatar
Search function is your friend!! You can open up a specific forum and search using keywords midland or Odessa.

While we are requesting (maybe it already exists) I wish there was a way to see all new posts on a single page instead of looking through all of the different forums to update myself. Just one page to see all new posts and when clicked, it takes you to the thread.
Pistolero's Avatar
Here ya go phrasing. When you open a city forum, there is a big E in a blue circle on the left. If there is a new post in that forum, it is dark blue. If not, it is light blue.

And splitting up West Texas has been discussed here for years. Also on ASPD since they started.
And CK said it all above.
CryptKicker's Avatar
You could also go here http://www.eccie.net/search.php?searchid=26691821 for all new post since you logged in or here http://www.eccie.net/search.php?searchid=26691841 for today's posts.
a great solution would be to put a sticky on the review forum with the tittle of
"please end with city abbreviation at the end of your post"
so what do you say mr moderator a simple one sticky post solution to the problem, that would save a lot of people a lot of time
most post have city inlcuded but not all it would be great if you remind everyone to add a city on the post tittle
houston.alexxx's Avatar
a great solution would be to put a sticky on the review forum with the tittle of
"please end with city abbreviation at the end of your post"
so what do you say mr moderator a simple one sticky post solution to the problem, that would save a lot of people a lot of time Originally Posted by mongerelp
There are numerous posts asking providers to do that in their ads. Alas, it doesn't always happen.
Phrasing's Avatar
You could also go here http://www.eccie.net/search.php?searchid=26691821 for all new post since you logged in or here http://www.eccie.net/search.php?searchid=26691841 for today's posts. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
CK, I get an error message that says "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms. "
To the OP:
Yeah. That is a great idea. Let's break it up: Panhandle, High Plains, Permian Basin, El Paso, Other.

That way we never have to interact. Sarcasm. Humor.

Phrasing: Over on the left hand side under the User CP link are where the "New Posts" and "Today's Posts" links are located. However, that pulls up posts board-wide. For trolls like me, that might be useful. Maybe not so much for you.

Back to the OP--personally, I only found the widespread area of the WTx forum disconcerting in the beginning. Most reviewers, advertisers, and ISOs usually specify the city in the thread title. To the extent they don't, the worst offenders are providers. That, to me, is not a terrible inconvenience. "Damn, I had to check out a provider in El Paso." That's a whole 2 minutes I won't get back. Same thing goes for the reviews, really.

If we cannot afford that amount of time to do proper research, then maybe we should rethink this whole research thing.

I would love to have a board to make everything as easy for the end-user as possible. Hey, how about a board feature that all I have to do is login, and B0 Derek magically appears below my desk blowing me to completion and then demands I give it to her up the poop-chute? That would be cool. That's what I want.


Really, though what we have here is very cool. Perfect? For some of us it is. Lol.

I will tell you, I am pretty damn computer savvy, and I still learn about new features every day. I wish somewhere there were a tutorial with tips and tricks. A few have already been shared in this thread.

Personally, I like the Wtx forum just the way it is. Sure we have to occasionally remind folks to put the city in the thread title. That, to me, is just a good excuse and opportunity to interact with another member. Vets should go ahead and take it on themselves to help newbies along. Point them in the right direction, give them pointers and exchange information. That is what it is all about. And by "vets" I would like to point out, there ain't very many (if any) among us who have been here so long we cannot learn a few things. Lol.

I have digressed here a little bit, but I don't think it qualifies as a hijack yet. So I will leave it at this:
Pistolero's Avatar
I am not a mod in this area.

So, how many of you have read the sticky in West Texas forum asking that you refrain from posting until you have been a member for 7 days, just to get a handle on what is going on. How many remember reading that from two years ago?
The stickies contain incredibly useful information, but I do not remember looking at ANY of them until I was a member for a while.
Pistolero's Avatar
Finally, an answer. Nobody will admit they never read the stickies so they had not read the one i made up. I figured somebody would say they had never seen it. lol

Wallance gave the true answer of why some of the ideas above would not work.
Since we can only post once a week and once in the weekend line up per week, I think there should be like a area tab... like if we are in midland or el paso or abilene or lubbock. i know i have to post my whole tour in one post so i think sometimes guys may get confused. and we cannot edit our posts which would be great to help guys know where we are that day and updating our ads would help if days change!