Things That Will Never Be The Same Again...

Tomorrow marks my 4 month Ho Anniversary and I've been thinking about how things have changed for me since I started. For the most part things have been positive! Of course, most people are SUPER judgmental and really look down on what we do (its not my fault you don't get fucked!) But you know what, they can eat a bag of d*cks! Personally, I'm happy as a CLAM! A very very very sexually satisfied clam. haha

BUT there are a few things that I will forever see differently...

Ladies will know what this is but dudes probably won't:

a bare back dress

What do YOU see differently now?

ozmosys's Avatar
Of course, most people are SUPER judgmental and really look down on what we do (its not my fault you don't get fucked!) But you know what, they can eat a bag of d*cks! Personally, I'm happy as a CLAM! A very very very sexually satisfied clam. haha Originally Posted by LuzMarie
Yeah, never understood why sexual repression should be something to feel superior about.

Thanks, providers, for rocking the world of the hobbyist, and for giving us a few stolen moments to have some quality time with a beautiful woman who might ordinarily be out of our league.
knotty man's Avatar
...and you couldve heard a pin drop. when gramma said she wanted a pearl necklace for x mas
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--I do not remember ever having such a huge supply of enevelopes ever in my entire life!

also i now look at Home Depot in another light! lol
Super sweet oz, thanks! Couldn't do it without ya, lol!!!
John_Dough's Avatar
Funny stuff. And true !!
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto---Oz....mwwwahhhhhhh our pleasure!
Many things are viewed differently...both good and bad:-) I started as a provider in my late 30's and am now... Half a century young. Lesson 1? Men are men. Don't make them wrong and don't make them wrong for NOT being women. They are exquisitely unique because of their way of being (testosterone!!).
Very Creative!
ozmosys's Avatar
lol--I do not remember ever having such a huge supply of enevelopes ever in my entire life! Originally Posted by DallasRain
That made me LOL, too. I've sometimes wondered what happened to all of those envelopes. Maybe providers just write lots of letters. More likely, they all go in the landfill. I hope that the rain forests will forgive us.

Maybe hobbyists and providers use less fossil fuels than civvies, so it all evens out. There should be a statistical survey to determine this, once and for all.
My office...
DallasRain's Avatar
That made me LOL, too. I've sometimes wondered what happened to all of those envelopes. Maybe providers just write lots of letters. More likely, they all go in the landfill. I hope that the rain forests will forgive us.

Maybe hobbyists and providers use less fossil fuels than civvies, so it all evens out. There should be a statistical survey to determine this, once and for all. Originally Posted by ozmosys
lol--good point!

I will never have to buy anther envelope! I also keep the cards I get{some are not signed & can be reused}
Tomorrow marks my 4 month Ho Anniversary and I've been thinking about how things have changed for me since I started. For the most part things have been positive! Of course, most people are SUPER judgmental and really look down on what we do (its not my fault you don't get fucked!) But you know what, they can eat a bag of d*cks! Personally, I'm happy as a CLAM! A very very very sexually satisfied clam. haha

BUT there are a few things that I will forever see differently...

What do YOU see differently now?

LUZ Originally Posted by LuzMarie
The hobby has changed the way I react to seeing/hearing some acronyms.

I like hockey. The CBJ suck.

Healthcare workers, relieve the stress! Get your minds in the gutter. (e.g., CFS, ACG).

License plates... I have seen a few that contained nnn-CFS, nnn-ACG, nnn-CBJ.

Lastly, "sailing takes me away", so does MSOG.
Mr Blonde's Avatar
I giggle when I type an internet address on my phone and hit .cim
The I is just too close to the o
Happens at least once a day. Then I think off all u cim girls. Muah