Review: Young Gun's 5 hour experience with Mz.Capri

Date: 10-26-11
Provider: Mz.Capri
Phone: 210-663-4594
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Austin
State: -
Address: North Austin?
Appointment Type: Other
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: A long drive and a disappointing ending
Session Length: 5 hours
Fee: .60
Hair Length and Color: Short?
Age: 2?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Mixed
Physical Description: Just take a look at her pics, Details in the ROS
Recommendation: No
flinde's Avatar
Thanks for the review IzzyTx

First of all -- this belongs in Austin and second of all.....

MGS198's Avatar
Whoa 5 hours? If that girl was in my backyard I'd go to HEB or something.
SexTexas's Avatar
Dammit. Times like this I wish I had premium access. Where do I get it
Maxx's Avatar
  • Maxx
  • 10-27-2011, 02:42 PM
at07 - do some new recent reviews ... you'll get premium access
First of all -- this belongs in Austin and second of all.....

Originally Posted by dennisrn
if she provides in sa then tell it here , imho she is very jaded and a sorry provider i guess thats why she is in Austine ,ect ,ect , bad ,bad , provider jaded by a past life
gooose's Avatar
Robodick's Avatar
I agree with Milo it should be in San Antonio cuz she has done that to others including me and if she talks you into going to Austin and then bails we need to know.
Chisum's Avatar
Coolpops's Avatar
I honestly believe this belongs in Austin.....

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-27-2011, 10:52 PM
NCNS review of a scheduled visit in Austin, not San Antonio.

Moved to the proper forum.
boobs mcgee's Avatar

were your conversations with booking the appointment made by PM, text, or actually talking on the phone?