The Top 11 States Most Likely To Go Bankrupt

SEE3772's Avatar
Looks like the demoncrates got that BS wrapped up...Good luck fuckers
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Looks like the demoncrates got that BS wrapped up...Good luck fuckers Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
10 out of 11 are democrats. one is republican, New Jersey.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, Kasich in Ohio is a Republican, but it looks like an old list. New York and California don't have the same governors now.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Actually, Kasich in Ohio is a Republican, but it looks like an old list. New York and California don't have the same governors now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
you're right about Kasich. I read corrected.

Arnie is republican, I didn't count arnie as he not governor anymore, but Gov. Moonbeam is democrat.

Patterson's not Gov of NY anymore?

yeah that list is somewhat out of date or maybe the pics are out of date, but the states involved in the article. LOL
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Andrew Cuomo is governor of New York, and I think Pennsylvania has a new governor as well.
Ducbutter's Avatar
I think California is the saddest of them all. When I graduated high school Ca had the 10th biggest economy in the world. Ignorant tax policies, over regulation and public sector unions have driven them to the brink.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
11 states implied to be in trouble

11 -{D}-
(R)-[2011]- Pennsylvania - Tom Corbett
10 -
{R}-(R)-[2011]- Florida - Rick Scott
09 -{D}-(R)-[2011]- Ohio - John Kaisch
08 -{D}-(D)-[2007]- Massachusetts - Deval Patrick
07 -
{R}-(I)-[2011]- Rhode Island - Lincoln Chafee
06 -{D}-(D)-[2011]- New York - Andrew Cuomo
05 -
{R}-(R)-[2011]- Nevada - Brian Sandoval
04 -{D}
-(R)-[2010]- New Jersey - Chris Christie
03 -
{D}-(R)-[2011]- Michigan - Rick Synder
02 -
{R}-(D)-[2011]- California - Jerry Brown aka Gov. Moonbeam
01 -{D}
-(D)-[2009]- Illinois - Pat Quinn

{Previous Party Affliation}
(Party Affliation)
[year took office]

2010 - 4 Republicans, 7 Democrats
2011 -
5 Republicans, 6 Democrats
2012 - 6 Republicans, 4 Democrats, 1 Independent

don't see a post date

looks like the list came out in late 2010 or early 2011. I think the old list is in error.

Kaisch wasn't governor along with the pics of other former & current governors depicted.

source on party affiliation came from
waverunner234's Avatar
California should split off from the USA and form its own country.
Ducbutter's Avatar
California should split off from the USA and form its own country. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Is that you Rick Perry?

At one time they could have done it but no longer. They'll be looking for a federal bailout.
California should split off from the USA and form its own country. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Not exactly an unappealing idea, at least with respect to the fact that non-California taxpayers would no longer have to be concerned with the haunting specter of bailing it out.

Greece has always been a wonderful vacation spot. It's a very beautiful place with a rich history and much to see and do. The same is the case with California.

And the similarities don't end there.
LexusLover's Avatar
California should split off from the USA and form its own water park. Originally Posted by waverunner234
There I fixed it for you, and the earthquakes will take care of the rest.

[Visit Northern Oregon coast and look at the trees petrified off shore!]

No bail out money yet!!!!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
California used to be one of the greatest states in the country.

What in the world happened to California that it got so fucked-up that it has to pay its bills with IOUs like some street bum?

. . . It seems like the state has been having economic problems since about 1978 with the passage of Prop 13 which slashed property taxes, but weren't the results to come plainly evident to anyone with foresight?

Ducbutter's Avatar
California used to be one of the greatest states in the country.

What in the world happened to California that it got so fucked-up that it has to pay its bills with IOUs like some street bum?

. . . It seems like the state has been having economic problems since about 1978 with the passage of Prop 13 which slashed property taxes, but weren't the results to come plainly evident to anyone with foresight?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

You're right Fasty,
Prop 13 was the ignorant tax policy I spoke of in my first post here. It was voted in by the electorate and not in the legislature. If I remember right it froze property taxes and gave owners a chance to move to another residence and retain their lower tax rates on a one time only basis. More to it than that but that's the worst of it.
Ca. also provides a lot social services.
They also don't provide a very friendly business environment due to stringent and costly regulation. I even know people in the entertainment industry that say productions leave the state whenever can to escape the costs.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
prop 13 had nothing to do with CA's current situation. It was done to prevent taxes from rising any higher than it needed to be.

what's killing CA is unfriendly business environment, over-regulation, costly regulations and Public Sector Unions; specifically the Teachers Union & the Nurses Union. Political environment under Democrat control makes budget cutting nearly impossible.