Uniforms that you find sexy

Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Spending 4 days in a military hospital (mom was sick) I got see people in different military uniforms. I find I love the Marine or Navy dress uniform. Very classy and stylish. Also for some reason, police or fireman uniforms I find sexy.
What about you all? what uniform do you find sexy?
I suppose some of these might be more of a costume than a uniform, but close enough...

Naughty Nurse
Naughty Nun
French Maid
Japanese Schoolgirl
Hot Dog on a Stick ladies when they are making lemonade.
knotty man's Avatar
Ive always admired the marines uniform.
The white gloves the sabre and creases so sharp you could slice a tomato
Cooper Barrett's Avatar
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
This one!

Oversized (for her) men's shirt, loos tie.

tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 01-14-2016, 07:49 PM
Gogo Yubari's schoolgirl uniform. Really pretty much any uniform with a short skirt.

Cooper Barrett's Avatar

I'll take yours and double it.

This one!

Oversized (for her) men's shirt, loos tie.

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
knotty man's Avatar

I'll take yours and double it. Originally Posted by Cooper Barrett
the one on the left is a dude,
check out the "stache"
Cooper Barrett's Avatar
Original photographer's email
coyotakpicturesprodukce@gmail. com
I don't think it's a guy just a model from Prague who will look like your grandfather when she gets old.

https://500px.com/coyotakpictures <--- worth the time


VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Right now I would say firefighters as I am watching them climb up on the roof of the building across from me
Flight pilot and train conductor uniforms really do it for me! (Fun fact: a notable portion of my masturbation fantasies involve pilots or train conductors.) Fireman uniforms are also super hot.
Firemen. Turnout gear can even make fugly firemen fuckable.

Not 'technically' uniforms but, a hot looking doctor, in scrubs and the classic businessman in a dress shirt, suit and tie...if he is wearing Polo Black, Light Blue, or Aramis...watch out. *mmm mmm mmm*
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-15-2016, 12:44 AM
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Always wanted to show up and open the door to this!

I think Nikki Sweets rocks this uniform.

Victoria Columbari's Avatar
IB I love the white shirt look. I am thinking of doing some photos like that when I lose a little more weight.
Aphrodite i too love a well dressed man. I think we all do. VickiLyn, wish i was there watching them with you. LOL.