What a little whiney bitch...........

Obama blames Republicans for his executive overreach.........


Only the die hard Obamazombies are buying this guys's bullshit...his version of compromise is if you surrender to his terms completely, his way or the highway.
What a little whiney bitch...........

Obama blames Republicans for his executive overreach.........


Only the die hard Obamazombies are buying this guys's bullshit...his version of compromise is if you surrender to his terms completely, his way or the highway. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It's the Chicago way. Money and Power = Boss!

The most powerful man on earth is a petulant whiner.

But this isn’t the first time he’s had a crying jag over his sad, sad life. Get out your tiny violins.

Whining About The Press. Here’s Obama at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, channeling Richard Sherman:
Sometimes I feel disrespected by you reporters, but that’s okay…Jake Tapper, don’t you ever talk about me like that. I’m the best president in the game!
He was joking. But not about how he feels disrespected. After all, he told Bill O’Reilly in his Super Bowl interview that O’Reilly is “absolutely” unfair for asking basic questions about issues like Benghazi. Poor baby. And in January, he mewled to The New Yorker’s David Remnick that he couldn’t “penetrate the Republican base” because he couldn’t break through the right-wing media firewall to show conservatives he’s “not the caricature that you see on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh.”

Whining About Republicans. In December 2012, Obama stated that Republican opposition to a fiscal cliff deal sprang from personal hatred of him. “I don’t know if that just has to do with, you know, it is very hard for them to say yes to me.” And again in March 2013:
I recognize that it's very hard for Republicans leaders to be perceived as making concessions to me… Is there something else I could do to make these guys -- I'm not talking about the leaders now, but maybe some of the House Republican caucus members -- not paint horns on my head?
And just yesterday: “We've got a party on the other side whose only rationale, motivation seems to be opposing me.”
Whining About Supposed Conservative Racism. In that same interview with The New Yorker from January 2014, Obama stated, “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president.” That’s just the most recent iteration of Obama’s longstanding complaint that some conservatives (and Jews) don’t like him because of his “funny name” or because he doesn’t look like the other guys on the dollar bills.

Whining About The Constitution. In May, Obama complained about the structure of the Constitution stopping him from doing what he wanted. In April 2013, Obama complained that he was having a tough time passing gun control because “I am constrained as [other government officials] are constrained by the system that our founders put in place.” In March 2011, Obama stated that it would be much simpler to rule China.

Whining About His Own Scandals. President Obama continues to trot out long-discredited nonsense about how he has been victimized by a spate of “phony scandals.” Yesterday, he stated, “They're fabricated issues, phony scandals.”

The whining will continue. President Obama always feels he has been wronged: by Republicans, by the Constitution, by his country. He, by contrast, is never wrong. “I'm not going to apologize for trying to do something while they're doing nothing,” he said today.

Of course he won’t. It’s his party. He can cry if he wants to.

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-28-2014, 09:51 AM
Fuck em, he's just a fucking cunt.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think he's done extremely well considering the WHINY FUCKING BITCHES he's got to deal with day in and day out.

I know how hard it is for me to put up with YOU whiny fucking bitches.

BTW -- Whirlyturd, are you spamming the board again? Looks like you're on the cuts of a FULL CAPITALIZED REDUNDANT MELTDOWN!

"The only adult in the room", right. And he wonders why he can't form coalitions both domestic and international, and pass his agenda. Even his Democratic Socialists have figured it out, that's why they can't wait for Hillary.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think he's done extremely well considering the WHINY FUCKING BITCHES he's got to deal with day in and day out. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
May be he should spend less time on the golf course.

I heard his scores are not good either.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think he's done extremely well considering the WHINY FUCKING BITCHES he's got to deal with day in and day out. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
May be he should spend less time on the golf course.

I heard his scores are not good either.

Good golfers get antsy in a foursome when someone is always looking for their balls (pun intended), and keeps blaming them for kicking is balls (pun intended) out of play, so he has to drop another one and take a penalty.

Are you in the minority now who support him, btw?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
"The only adult in the room", right. And he wonders why he can't form coalitions both domestic and international, and pass his agenda. Even his Democratic Socialists have figured it out, that's why they can't wait for Hillary. Originally Posted by gnadfly
What the fuck does that even mean?
It means you aren't taking your meds. Never a good situ. With all the time you spend at Enfield, why don't you pick them up? Or is it a conscious decision not to take them?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-28-2014, 03:32 PM
May be he should spend less time on the golf course.

I heard his scores are not good either. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'll bet the cocksucker cheats on his scorecard. Lmao
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It means you aren't taking your meds. Never a good situ. With all the time you spend at Enfield, why don't you pick them up? Or is it a conscious decision not to take them? Originally Posted by gnadfly
another ridiculous and irrelevant post from turdfly...
It must be a conscious decision. They're irrelevant.

RedLeg505's Avatar
I think he's done extremely well considering the WHINY FUCKING BITCHES he's got to deal with day in and day out. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Does that include the "WHINEY FUCKING BITCHES" on the Democrat side that won't pass his cabinet nominations, even with the Nuclear option where all he needs is 51 votes out of 53 Democrats in the Senate?

Must be tough when both parties, the opposition and HIS OWN PARTY won't just shut up and do what he wants, huh? Yep, no President before him has ever had an opposition party that said he couldn't do everything he wanted.. right Yssup?