Who is 'Elizabeth Carlisle’ ?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
why, she's Loretta Lynch! why would the AG use an alias .. in official communications??

hmmm. maybe to control the spin narrative yeah? and what needed spinning? why her meeting with Billy Clinton!!


By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times - Monday, August 7, 2017

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s work alias — “Elizabeth Carlisle” — was confirmed Monday as a result of multiple Freedom of Information Act requests and persistent citizens.

The infamous election-season tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and Ms. Lynch on June 27, 2016, sparked a wave of FOIA requests by Judicial Watch, the American Center for Law, and others.

Although the Justice Department confirmed in February 2016 that she sometimes used a pseudonym, the exact name was not verified until the release of a report by The Daily Caller on Monday.

“The Carlisle emails were discovered over the weekend by followers of Reddit accounts that support President Trump,” the website reported.

Critics of the practice allege that officials use pseudonyms as a means of camouflaging correspondence from citizens and skirting FOIA requests.

“That address was and is known to the individuals who process [Freedom of Information Act] requests; the practice, similar to using initials or numbers in an email, helps guard against security risks and prevent inundation of mailboxes,” Ms. Lynch’s attorney, Robert Raben, told the Daily Caller.

Other well-known Obama administration officials to use aliases include:
  • Former Attorney General Eric Holder: “Lew Alcindor.”
  • Former IRS official Lois Lerner: “Toby Miles.”
  • Environmental Protection Agency official Lisa Jackson: “Richard Windsor.”

The 30-minute meeting in Phoenix between Ms. Lynch and Mr. Clinton came as the FBI was investigating Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s decision to use a secret email server while secretary of state.

“She, as a matter of fact, landed on time,” KNXV-TV anchor Christopher Sign, who broke the story, said June 30, 2016, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor.

“[Mr. Clinton] and his entourage were running late according to my sources. They then make the decision — ‘they’ meaning the former president’s team — they wait for her to land. She arrives. Some people step off of her plane. The former president steps into her plane. They then speak for 30 minutes — privately,” Mr. Sign reported.

“The FBI there, on the tarmac, instructed everybody around, ‘No photos. No pictures. No cellphones,’” Mr. Sign added. “He then gets off the plane, gets on his own plane, he departs, she continues on with her planned visit.”

The Clintons maintained that the meeting was coincidental and that the two simply exchanged family small talk.

and let's not forget the convenient fact that her documents as AG were sealed and put into Obama's library. not to be seen for 50 years. interesting yes?

and this from the most transparent administration in history, eh??

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Emails Show WaPo, NYT Reporters Didn’t Want to Cover Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting


Loretta Lynch / Getty

BY: Alex Griswold
August 7, 2017 11:34 am

Newly released emails show reporters telling the Obama Department of Justice that they were unenthusiastic about covering the tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the 2016 campaign.

Clinton and Lynch met privately aboard Lynch's plane at a Phoenix airport in June 2016. Critics charged that the meeting was inappropriate given that Lynch's Department of Justice was actively investigating Hillary Clinton for her use of an unsecured private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

Emails obtained by the American Center for Law and Justice show that reporters at the New York Times and the Washington Post told the Department of Justice's director of public affairs at the time, Melanie Newman, that while they were writing stories on the controversy, their editors were making them do it.

"My editors are still pretty interested in it and I'm hoping to put it to rest by answering just a few more questions about how the meeting came about-who approached who, how did they realize they were in the same place," the Post‘sMattZapotosky wrote on June 30, 2016, two days after the tarmac meeting.

In another email from the same day, the Times‘ Mark Landler introduced himself and said he had "been pressed into service" to write about the meeting.

Politico‘s Hadas Gold reported Tuesday that Landler, a White House correspondent, used that phrase because its normal Justice Department reporters were not available. According to a newspaper spokesman, Landler was assigned to fill in for them.

Newman also indicated in an email that she had spoken to an ABC producer, who decided not to run with the story. She wrote that the producer said "they aren't interested, even if FOX runs with it."

UPDATE: Tuesday, 3:27 P.M.: This article was updated with comments from the New York Times about Landler being assigned to fill in for Justice Department reporters.

must have been too busy with all those Russia leads that have all panned out .. into nothing burgers.

this is why the NY Times had to issue an unprecedented mia culpa on their clearly biased coverage.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Emails Show WaPo, NYT Reporters Didn’t Want to Cover Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting


Loretta Lynch / Getty

BY: Alex Griswold
August 7, 2017 11:34 am

Newly released emails show reporters telling the Obama Department of Justice that they were unenthusiastic about covering the tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the 2016 campaign.

Clinton and Lynch met privately aboard Lynch's plane at a Phoenix airport in June 2016. Critics charged that the meeting was inappropriate given that Lynch's Department of Justice was actively investigating Hillary Clinton for her use of an unsecured private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

Emails obtained by the American Center for Law and Justice show that reporters at the New York Times and the Washington Post told the Department of Justice's director of public affairs at the time, Melanie Newman, that while they were writing stories on the controversy, their editors were making them do it.

"My editors are still pretty interested in it and I'm hoping to put it to rest by answering just a few more questions about how the meeting came about-who approached who, how did they realize they were in the same place," the Post‘sMattZapotosky wrote on June 30, 2016, two days after the tarmac meeting.

In another email from the same day, the Times‘ Mark Landler introduced himself and said he had "been pressed into service" to write about the meeting.

Politico‘s Hadas Gold reported Tuesday that Landler, a White House correspondent, used that phrase because its normal Justice Department reporters were not available. According to a newspaper spokesman, Landler was assigned to fill in for them.

Newman also indicated in an email that she had spoken to an ABC producer, who decided not to run with the story. She wrote that the producer said "they aren't interested, even if FOX runs with it."

UPDATE: Tuesday, 3:27 P.M.: This article was updated with comments from the New York Times about Landler being assigned to fill in for Justice Department reporters.

must have been too busy with all those Russia leads that have all panned out .. into nothing burgers.

this is why the NY Times had to issue an unprecedented mia culpa on their clearly biased coverage. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

The NYT's story doesn't hold water in light of how the AG Office's effort to develop 'Talking Points' waned as no real pressure materialized from the lame-stream media other than Fox -- who they dismissed as irrelevant in their political sphere of influence.
Ole Loretta took notes from the "Hobby Community". Fake E-mail to keep LE at bay. Probably has a "Hobby Phone" as well.

You can bet Her good buddy Bill has one.
Lisa P Jackson was basically fired for using an alias and conducting EPA business with it. President Obama also used an alias for conducting business. I wonder what determines who gets fired and who doesn't.

Records retention is a huge issue in every US company. The Fderal govt needs to have similar policies and with the appropriate enforcements.
pyramider's Avatar
Did anyone ever thinck that Lynch was moonlighting as a provider and Clinton could only book 30 minutes?
Did anyone ever thinck that Lynch was moonlighting as a provider and Clinton could only book 30 minutes? Originally Posted by pyramider
Wonder if she was wearing a blue dress that day ? !!!!
bambino's Avatar
bamscram's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Who is John Miller?

Originally Posted by bamscram
He wasn't the Attorney General of the United States.
bamscram's Avatar
He wasn't the Attorney General of the United States. Originally Posted by bambino
Naw he is president of the USA.
5 million emails lost by the Bush White House. Not a peep from the liberal media


Karl Rove 22,000 emails erased.


Dick Cheney


A bunch of lying hypocrites.
I B Hankering's Avatar
5 million emails lost by the Bush White House. Not a peep from the liberal media


Karl Rove 22,000 emails erased.


Dick Cheney


A bunch of lying hypocrites.
Originally Posted by Greenflag
You're a liar, greenfag. The RNC is under no obligation to retain its emails for public inspection, greenfag ... the Department of State is mandated by law to keep those records and make them available to the public uynder the provisions of the FOIA, to lying cretin.
Naw he is president of the USA. Originally Posted by bamscram
Your link has a May 2016 date, dumb fuck.
5 million emails lost by the Bush White House. Not a peep from the liberal media


. Originally Posted by Greenflag
What was the records retention law concerning those emails and how was it violated? I've churned out a lot of email in my day but 5MM? Spam.

BTW, what's your next handle you're going to misappropriate Greenie?