Contact etiquette

bigfastmike's Avatar
I tried contacting a provider and after seeing some recent reviews I thought to ask if her location was a residence or safe hotel. She seemed to take great offence to the question.
Was I out of line or is there a better way to inquire?
A lot of them are picky. as long as you don't inquire about their service I don't feel too much is out of bounds. We are the customer and there are a lot to choose from.. don't be offended and just move on to the next if you have to.
I ask that same question often. I don't think it's out of line at all. If they get an attitude over that. IMHO they are not worth seeing
To some of them that seems like "location collecting". Personally I have no problem going through the process and deciding against a meet once I have the location. They are some places around town I just won't go.