Loretta Lynch used an alias to discuss talking points re: tarmac meeting with Slick Willie

I B Hankering's Avatar
Gotta wonder why?

We have just obtained hundreds of pages in our ongoing investigation and federal lawsuit on former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s tarmac meeting with Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator while the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI had an ongoing criminal investigation into hildebeest’s emails. The results are shocking.

First, the Comey FBI lied to us. Last July, we sent FOIA requests to both the Comey FBI and the Lynch DOJ asking for any documents related to the Slick Willie/Lynch plane meeting. The FBI, under the then directorship of James Comey, replied that “No records responsive to your request were located.” [a blatant lie as these records prove]

The documents we received today from the Department of Justice include several emails from the FBI to DOJ officials concerning the meeting. One with the subject line “FLAG” was correspondence between FBI officials (Richard Quinn, FBI Media/Investigative Publicity, and Michael Kortan) and DOJ officials concerning “flag[ing] a story . . . about a casual, unscheduled meeting between former president Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator and the AG.” The DOJ official instructs the FBI to “let me know if you get any questions about this” and provides “[o]ur talkers [DOJ talking points] on this”. The talking points, however are redacted....

the records appear to indicate that the Attorney General’s spin team immediately began preparing talking points for the Attorney General regarding the meeting BEFORE ever speaking with the AG about the matter.

Third, there is clear evidence that the lame-stream media was colluding with the DOJ to bury the story. A Washington Post reporter, speaking of the Slick Willie/Lynch meeting story, said, “I’m hoping I can put it to rest .” The same Washington Post reporter, interacting with the DOJ spin team, implemented specific DOJ requests to change his story to make the Attorney General appear in a more favorable light. A New York Times reporter apologetically told the Odumbo DOJ that he was being [reluctantly] “pressed into service” to have to cover the story. As the story was breaking, DOJ press officials stated, “I also talked to the ABC producer, who noted that they aren’t interested, even if Fox runs with it.”


Attorney General Loretta Lynch used an email alias in her communication to disguise her identity.

Lynch’s alias appears to be “Elizabeth Carlisle".

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they thought Hillary had this race in the bag and all of this would be swept away as if nothing happened.

funny how things turned out. eh?

there's a golden rule thats true for everyone... expect the unexpected. this gang didn't follow that.
bambino's Avatar
Mueller should be investigating that whole fiasco, Throw Comey in too. What a joke.
Anyone wanna hold their breath to await the lame stream media's report on all this?? Me neither..
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-06-2017, 04:03 AM
Most likely she doesn't want to be added to the dead pool.
LexusLover's Avatar
Lynch could seek "protective custody" and "hide" courtesy of the Marshals Service, but Mueller, et al, would know her new identity and whereabouts.

What's that saying about the "plots we weave"?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So you're saying the Democratic administration colluded with the Democratic nominee?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Anyone wanna hold their breath to await the lame stream media's report on all this?? Me neither.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Please do.

We ALL know everything in this world is controlled by the media that you don't watch.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Please do.

We ALL know everything in a lib-retard's world is controlled by the lame-stream media that lib-retards swallow like sugar-coated jiz.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
A fact, btw, that was very much confirmed by Julian Assange, but not Wretching Madcow or Al "The Race-baiting Tax Evader" Sharptongue at MSNBC, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
bamscram's Avatar
Never have seen so much bitching from winners.
Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Judge Jeanine’s Open Why Has Hillary Skated?, 1742
Synopsis: Judge Jeanine blasted the U.S. justice system generally for allowing Hillary Clinton to skate without consequences for so long. But it’s not just Hillary – it’s her entire cadre of co-conspirators.
Do you realize that no one who is part of the Clinton Crime Sydicate has gone to jail???
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-06-2017, 10:04 AM
Anyone wanna hold their breath to await the lame stream media's report on all this?? Me neither.. Originally Posted by garhkal
You do realize that Clinton did not win? Right?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-06-2017, 10:07 AM
Gotta wonder why? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B Hankering's Avatar
Originally Posted by WTF
Senate announces probe of Loretta Lynch behavior in 2016 election

The Senate Judiciary Committee has opened a probe into former Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch’s efforts to shape the FBI’s investigation into 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, the committee’s chairman announced Friday.

(Washington Times)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-06-2017, 10:17 AM
Great for the Senate....maybe Lynch will use the Lying Trump defense!