Return of the rhythm method

Bobave's Avatar
"Every morning when she wakes up, Becca, a college student in Pennsylvania, puts a teardrop-shaped thermometer called the Daysy under her tongue. If it lights up green, she knows that day she and her boyfriend can have sex without a condom. If it’s red or yellow, they need to use protection."

Stumbled across this article yesterday. It always amazed me that a lot of women avoid birth control, including providers (especially younger ones).
Aside from condoms, most birth control methods can wreak havoc on a woman's body. Synthetic hormones that can cause weight gain, severe acne, mood swings, etc or devices (such as an iud) that can cause infections or other problems are the main reasons I think many women avoid them now days... I guess the risk of getting pregnant is one they are willing to take. Not saying I agree, just my understanding of why so many make that choice...
And you cannot trust condoms either. My dad told me that is how I came to be. I don't really think he meant that as harshly as it sounds. I believe he was just trying to stress the fact that condoms are not always good birth control. At least not with a spermicide .

I think I was just determined to be. LoL !
i hate using condoms, you can never tell how good you are fuking or turning a girl on when you cannot feel her pussy getting wetter... but alas we have to protect with strangers...
i hate using condoms, you can never tell how good you are fuking or turning a girl on when you cannot feel her pussy getting wetter... but alas we have to protect with strangers... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
There are often vocal clues, as well as, physical ones like her eyes rolling back in her head, tightening of her pussy, and others that will let you know.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Didn't anyone listen to the Miami Sound Machine??

The Rhythm is Gonna Get You!!!
  • hd
  • 12-10-2014, 02:48 PM
Most all girls did bc pills when I was a teenager, but I understand why you wouldn't want to use them now b/c of the chemicals , etc that you're putting in your body along with IUD's and such. I guess trial and error is the only way to find out if anything is safe for you?

I can believe I never had a problem impregnating a girl as I was growing up. Never used rubbers.

With that being said, do any providers have the morning after pill available in case? I've never heard if they have any negative side effects?
I can not abide the smell of spermicide so I get depo. That said it has caused significant weight gain (size 3 to size 8) and did make my hair thinner than it used to be.

Side story: the most awkward conversation I've ever had was a priest giving me directions on the rhythm method. His stance was that other forms of birth control were against the teaching of the church. ....Our conversation began because I wanted to talk about how I was trying to NOT sleep with my boyfriend.
pyramider's Avatar
Most all girls did bc pills when I was a teenager, but I understand why you wouldn't want to use them now b/c of the chemicals , etc that you're putting in your body along with IUD's and such. I guess trial and error is the only way to find out if anything is safe for you?

I can believe I never had a problem impregnating a girl as I was growing up. Never used rubbers.

With that being said, do any providers have the morning after pill available in case? I've never heard if they have any negative side effects? Originally Posted by hd

What do you thinck? Swallow some poison ... side effects ... nah.
  • hd
  • 12-11-2014, 06:26 AM
What do you thinck? Swallow some poison ... side effects ... nah.
Remember that when you take the blue pill or take shots to keep your dick hard. We all are at risk everyday, just depends on your priorities and the degree of danger your willing to accept.

OK, I'll feel like fucking my brains out now !
There are often vocal clues, as well as, physical ones like her eyes rolling back in her head, tightening of her pussy, and others that will let you know. Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly

I agree, but nothing beats that silky wet pussy, then I know I hittin' right!!!