is this a risk for herpes 1 or 2?

Hello, I posted a thread about two months ago asking if the girls were clean or not on this place. Handjob and fingering(by me) was done, and I don't think she spit or anything. Maybe if someone else was there they could tell me if the girls usually spit.

A lot has happened that made me scared about herpes. I very much regret what I did and I wish I could take it back, but I can't.

Maybe people hear could give me some light as to what's going on with me. After 10 days of that encounter, I suddenly noticed a scab on my penis (right below the head) and I don't believe I had any tingling sensation when I had it. It had a red surrounding to it, and it stung if I stretched the skin or poured water over it. I went to see the doctor that same day and they said it doesn't look like herpes, and a cell culture test was done but nothing came out of it since it it was already scabbing (this is an std clinic btw). Two days later, the scab got a little bigger, and very small scabs(like 3 dots) showed up but again, no sensation. When I peeled it off by shower, there was red raw skin underneath, and then the skin turned white and that was it. The area was pink for a few weeks before it turned to normal skin color. It didn't hurt or anything, only stung if I stretched the skin or poured water.

What I am trying to figure out if this is due to masturbation or something else. Did I mention I masturbated in the shower that same night I had the encounter? I don't know if that can cause it since its been so long.

Can anyone could shed some light please? (moderators please bear with me, I only need some advice and I will be off in my merry way). All this tension is not worth it since I keep on thinking about it too much. I have pictures, so please let me know if they want to see it and make a judgement call on what it is. I can PM it.
1) Take a deep breath.

2) If the STD clinic said its not herpes, it's probably not herpes. So.......relax.

3) Stop jacking off. Just leave the poor little guy alone for a while.

4) If you have no other symptoms (discharge, blisters, pain) wait a week without jacking off, then make an appointment with the STD clinic or uroligist. Listen to what he says. Then have a complete STD Panel done. If you DO have symptoms.....go to the clinic NOW.

5) Life is not without risk. The same is true of this hobby. While everybody frets about something, your desperate cry for help hints that this hobby may not be for you. I do not know your relationship status or age, but think about it. You may be better suited for a monogamous relationship with some nice church-going gal.

6) Good luck. Be of good cheer. Life goes on.
atlcomedy's Avatar
7) No need for pictures

(btw what she said is good advice)
You don't describe the exposure in enough detail for us to give any advice. But, if all you enjoyed was a handjob there is more than likely another explanation for your symptoms. Trauma or friction seems most likely. Generally the initial outbreak of herpes consists of painful blisters which almost always are noticed before the resulting scabs.

I would recommend you spend some time reading the doctors forums on MedHelp. You'll find you aren't alone in your concerns. You'll also find the peace of mind you're looking for.
You don't describe the exposure in enough detail for us to give any advice. But, if all you enjoyed was a handjob there is more than likely another explanation for your symptoms. Trauma or friction seems most likely. Generally the initial outbreak of herpes consists of painful blisters which almost always are noticed before the resulting scabs.

I would recommend you spend some time reading the doctors forums on MedHelp. You'll find you aren't alone in your concerns. You'll also find the peace of mind you're looking for. Originally Posted by JustCause
I have pictures, but to describe in more detail: I only noticed a small scab suddenly in them morning, and its surrounding was red (looked like red bumps). There was another small scab a little farther away, and two days later that scab and the other one got bigger the surrounding redness color decreased. There was very small dot scabs but when I peeled off there was red raw skin underneath(looked fresh). It turned white and didn't scab again. I went to the doctor that same day and was told it was not herpes as I mentioned earlier.

This is common then? I am concerned as to why it happened. I did masturbate again that night after the massage parlor in the shower (with water). I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I have a small callouses on hands due to weights, but I don't know why that would cause it since it was there before.

Medhelp as many of these cases then? I regret what happened and I hope to God it is nothing more than friction.
Life is not without risk. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
Carry on until eyeglasses are needed.
Wakeup's Avatar
Sound like you're going to die...
happybanana's Avatar
Switch to your right hand for awhile....

If you used an unfamiliar soap or lotion you could have contact dermatitis. Wash only with a gentle PH balanced soap and keep it dry afterwards. Should clear up in a week. If not then go to a dermatologist.
You're really worried about an STD from a handjob?

You ain't gonna make it in this one.