Kaikala stole from me

Provider Kaikala will run away with your money.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-17-2014, 01:06 PM
Probably more useful if posted in the Dallas forum.
Kaikala is working out of San Antonio. Tells you that she needs the money up front so she can get the room then drives off. Course she will deny this but we both know what the real truth is. Pretty sad especially in that i had med her several times before and had considered her a friend
I'm so sorry that happened to you sweetie. You are way too nice. I do suggest that you post this is SA's forum as well.
I see this same shit time after time. Hobbyist and provider becomes friends than provider takes advantage of hobbyist.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
considered her a friend Originally Posted by ndehoyos45
Still Looking's Avatar
Sounds like you made "2" mistakes...

1) Giving money up front
2) Assuming she was your friend

I bet she had a great reason got it! You should post in her home town in COED and give her a chance to respond as she might not see it hear. (Her WK'S will tell but she'll ignore it, this way she can't)

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-18-2014, 09:00 AM
I see this same shit time after time. Hobbyist and provider becomes friends than provider takes advantage of hobbyist. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
Yes, it happens. And it happens in the other direction as well, probably in roughly equal amounts. There are good and bad of both genders in this business.

Just got off the phone with a wonderful lady (yes, she is a friend and has been for a long, long time). A scum bag "regular" said he wanted to take her into an exclusive arrangement. They talked and agreed to specifics: how long, how much money, he would provide an apartment and help with her tuition to finish school. She gave notice on her lease, applied for readmittance to school. Then to celebrate the agreement they went away for a long weekend--OTC since that was "covered" under their new arrangement.

After the long weekend: no apartment, no tuition, no money, no returned calls or messages. And the guy is bragging to some other local guys that he tricked her into a no-cost OTC weekend. (I heard that from two different guys in the area via PMs).

And then we have the ever popular "client turned BF turned pimp-wanna-be", who are almost invariably male.

As I said, scum comes in all genders--but too many folks only acknowledge one variety.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Any proficient con man will tell you the easiest to deceive are not the innocent, but those with larceny in their heart.
Yes, it happens. And it happens in the other direction as well, probably in roughly equal amounts. There are good and bad of both genders in this business.

Just got off the phone with a wonderful lady (yes, she is a friend and has been for a long, long time). A scum bag "regular" said he wanted to take her into an exclusive arrangement. They talked and agreed to specifics: how long, how much money, he would provide an apartment and help with her tuition to finish school. She gave notice on her lease, applied for readmittance to school. Then to celebrate the agreement they went away for a long weekend--OTC since that was "covered" under their new arrangement.

After the long weekend: no apartment, no tuition, no money, no returned calls or messages. And the guy is bragging to some other local guys that he tricked her into a no-cost OTC weekend. (I heard that from two different guys in the area via PMs).

And then we have the ever popular "client turned BF turned pimp-wanna-be", who are almost invariably male.

As I said, scum comes in all genders--but too many folks only acknowledge one variety. Originally Posted by Old-T
Hopefully the asshat's karma will come back to bite him on his balls.
That story just really pisses one off. The fact he is bragging? Oh yeah, maybe he should start watching his back. Your friend had to have been totally pissed, and a bit hurt at being treated so harshly.