Topic: How likely are you to respond to a faceless provider ad?

I see a fair amount of provider ads on here, BP, p411, and elsewhere where you cannot see their face. I can hear the excuses pouring in about protecting their privacy. I'll believe that you're hiding your face for privacy, if you'll take a personal check for my donation. Kidding of course.

Different strokes for different folks though. So come on fellas, how many of you are willing or have even once set up a date with a girl who wouldn't show her face online?

Two things important to me visually. Nice legs, pretty face. If a girl has that, she's perfect for me.
Been there, done that...

Sometimes it works out fine, sometimes not. A bigger peeve is misleading body photo's, that are grossly photoshopped, outdated or simply frauds.

Oh, while we're at it, how many of you respond to an ad that says "contact me through my P 411" and there's no link to the account? Or, an ad that has no pics, no pertinent information such as donations, general location etc?

Some ads are so well written, with great photo's and every bit of information you need...then again, others are...uh, well...I'm just sayin'
Hercules's Avatar
Butter-face? Two words - doggie style.
Herc, I call that the HomeVestors strategy. Remember their commercial jingle.... "At HomeVestors ugly's ok." to the tune of Home of the Range. For me, face is the MOST important aspect of a woman's looks. Then I check the legs and then the boobs. But if a girl had A cups, nice legs, cute face, she would be hot in my eyes. My first few years of having girlfriends and having sex, I had a motto of my own. I don't like slow cars or fat women but somehow I always find myself in 'em. So DDs and DDDs do NOT impress me. I had DDs shoved in my face without variety for 4 years (like back in '99). But I am totally digressing.

When the face is obscured, distant, or completely not in frame, this is what I picture they don't want us to see.

jrewing's Avatar
no face shot-no call
Hercules's Avatar
To me, ladies who blur their face are more concerned with discretion. That is something I also value in this lifestyle.

I've seen many a lady with gorgeous face shots only to find out what wonders make-up and photo editing can do.

If I didn't see ladies with no face shots I would have missed out on some great boinks.

In the end there's only one way to know for sure. And that's to book an appointment. If she ain't your type then keep looking. If she is then score one. Simple.
I agree with Hercules on the discretion issue, but what I would do if the ad and/or body appealed to me, then I would let her know I was interested with a phone call or email, she would maybe "screen" to make sure she is comfortable and send me some pics of her without her face blurred. But if not, I would not take that change that maybe she could be pretty. There is just too much uncertainty about her as opposed to the gorgeous females that do show their face.
Guest062512's Avatar
If you're interested but really want to see her face first, pm her or call her and ask her to send you one. Often the blurred or covered face is because she has relatives or friends she wouldn't seeing her nude pics when somebody copies them elsewhere on the net. Oh wait - we all know that never happens. Most often a lady will be willing to send you privately a face pic (if you're the trustworthy sort.)
Lana Warren's Avatar
I keep my face hidden in my pics because I have a third eye! LOL!

Yes, I hide my face due to privacy reasons, but I am more than willing to send a face pic once you have been screened! Sorry, but there are way too many nuts out there!
Craps7's Avatar
depends on the reviews if I consider seeing a faceless ad provider
scooterpie's Avatar
I fully understand a ladies desire for discretion and accept that. But...if there are no face shots I will not see her unless she has some very positive reviews from trusted sources.
There's only supposed to be one ugly one in the couple, and that's me.
I am Very likely to see the lady if there is no face pic.I totally understand the ladies need to protect their privacy and have met plenty of ladies who look fantastic even though they don't show their face.Example being Bryleigh , Cheyenne in Ft worth,Jin Hee and plenty of others.
By passing on these ladies you are passing on some great times.To be honest I can't remember an instance where I saw a lady that wasn't above par that had her face covered in the showcase etc.
Of course I check reviews and do research.Easy enough.
Okay this is where research becomes your friend. Some ladies actually have real jobs...professions, even. Crazy, huh? I know, I know! Who'da thunk it?! BUT... I bet if you'd read the reviews of said blurry-faced providers, the reviewers might touch on how the lady looks in person. All of us aren't providers because we HAVE to be or as a means of survival..some of us choose to do this in addition to our 'REAL' lives for a variety of reasons, but we'd prefer not to mix the two, hence blurry/cropped faces.

I just think some of you are missing some amazing ladies by being so narrow minded. Spikebaby, for example. No face in the pics, but holy crap that chick is HOT! Ask around and you'd get the same opinion without fail.

I guess there are the instant gratification guys, and the guys who don't mind putting a little effort into their hobbying choices. I'm guessing the latter of those two probably tend to have a little more success in their adventures, but to each their own.
I'm not booking a session with a gal to see her face.

My main worry is that the pics I've been looking at or even the weight they claim to be in their profiles is 2-3 years outdated. That seems to be pretty common. How hard is it to update a picture?

By the way, I just updated my weight on my p411 profile...ehhumm, had to add a few. Got to hit the gym again.
notdeadyet's Avatar
To me, ladies who blur their face are more concerned with discretion. That is something I also value in this lifestyle.
In the end there's only one way to know for sure. And that's to book an appointment. If she ain't your type then keep looking. If she is then score one. Simple. Originally Posted by Hercules
And, as Dannie said, it's necessary to read reviews, but do so with a recognition that WALDT and one person's idea of "pretty face" might not be the same as another's.

Given that photos on the internet are "forever", I think that it is foolish for a provider to post face pics. My guess is that few of them know where they'll be in ten years, but the wiser ones surely recognize that evidence of their excursion into providing might have unpleasant repercussions in the workplace, or family life, or even public life. Nothing is secret once it's posted on-line.