Prebooking with a deposit?

Naomi4u's Avatar
So you're browsing escort ads and realize there's a new lady coming into town. Her rate is $325 an hour but $250 if you prebook with a $100 deposit. She states on her website that prebooking with a deposit gurantees your time with her while she's in town and if she were to cancel that you will be fully refunded. Would you go for the lower rate and prebook or would you wait till she's in town and pay the $300.

Just curious.

shorty's Avatar
This is a tricky question. Someone thats a respectable provider like yourself, YES.

Only problem I see with this is a CASH N DASH scam. Who is to say that a provider gets 10 PreBookings for not doing anything and never makes it to town but she's got your money with no intentions of refunding it. This is where providers start to get a bad rep within the Hobby Community.
Naomi4u's Avatar

I can totally understand that. I can see how this could benefit both the hobbyist and the provider but you do have a point. He will be guaranteed an appointment with her at the time he chooses and she will know that he's not a time waster/NCNS and will have money to cover her travel.

I don't think a reputable provider would ruin their rep this way. Has it happened before?
with one exception, I never prepay

anymore that is...
Wayward's Avatar
Prepaying is not a bad thing, because it always leads to some great Alert threADS and hilarious stories. So no probably not Naomi, but I would rent a car for you and cosign for your new Houston incall.... because that has never been a problem for me in the past. If I really like you, we might even go so far as to repossess one of our NSFG's cars and work out some type of payment plan after you take the car out of state.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Prepaying is not a bad thing, because it always leads to some great Alert threADS and hilarious stories. So no probably not Naomi, but I would rent a car for you and cosign for your new Houston incall.... because that has never been a problem for me in the past. If I really like you, we might even go so far as to repossess one of our NSFG's cars and work out some type of payment plan after you take the car out of state. Originally Posted by Wayward


Give me some credit here. I don't like playing with people's money. The last thing I want is a bad review or even an alert on ME. I believe that there are some providers that make prebooking with a deposit mandatory. I see how it could work well for both parties but I also see the downside. Don't worry I have a car I use for touring in fact I have two. I also rent my own vacation rentals and hotels for incall so won't need your help there. What a nice way to piss someone off if something were to go wrong.
Wayward's Avatar


Give me some credit here. I don't like playing with people's money. The last thing I want is a bad review or even an alert on ME. I believe that there are some providers that make prebooking with a deposit mandatory. I see how it could work well for both parties but I also see the downside. Don't worry I have a car I use for touring in fact I have two. I also rent my own vacation rentals and hotels for incall so won't need your help there. What a nice way to piss someone off if something were to go wrong. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I don't disagree with any of that, but now we get to story time. Once upon a provider, Father Wayward the murdering rat bastard, had a friend she was a very well reviewed and respected local provider that had a couple of on going specials that involved some form of prepayment. No one ever complained or posted an alert, then one day someone did and then someone else did and then it went sideways. I would have bet blood that woman would never have done the things I'm now pretty sure she did. Just sayin'

I agree completely with the theory, thinck the deal you are offering has a great risk/reward ratio and would never cast aspersions on you as a person. However pre-paying seems to always go sideways at some point. Have I done it? more than I would ever really admit and have I gotten burned? Did you miss the part about buying my NSGF a car? We are not mad about it, we went into that deal with our eyes wide open. In that case if we had it all to do over again, might do exactly the same thing for the same reasons.
Abe Normal's Avatar
Reputable or not, I would never prepay or send a deposit. Gives the lady way more info than I can accept.

Plus, if she REALLY would refund the deposit, how is she gonna do that without knowing my mailing address ? I guess that question is dumb, but I've never attemted to find out.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Reputable or not, I would never prepay or send a deposit. Gives the lady way more info than I can accept.

Plus, if she REALLY would refund the deposit, how is she gonna do that without knowing my mailing address ? I guess that question is dumb, but I've never attemted to find out. Originally Posted by Abe Normal
Good point.
Well she can send it via . Almost everyone has nowadays.

I have an engagement I will respond to the other replies when I get back.
Reputable or not, I would never prepay or send a deposit. Gives the lady way more info than I can accept.

Plus, if she REALLY would refund the deposit, how is she gonna do that without knowing my mailing address ? I guess that question is dumb, but I've never attemted to find out. Originally Posted by Abe Normal

And I doubt a reputable provider would scam anyone, but I can understand why some are weary....I require deposits on a case by case basis, just depends on the city, how long, and the client...

Stuff happens. The gent can cancel either way, so pre-booking with a deposit seals nothing.

Plus im a free spirit, I may get to a town and decide to go move around. I'll just pay the $325 and go about my business.
topsgt38801's Avatar
I definitely will not prepay a deposit to get a better rate. I prefer paying cash only. Too much exposure and I am not talking skin. If I find a lady I am interested in, the price does not matter.

Also, if she no shows or I have a last minute issue, then you hopefully have a refund process to go through if you don't get ripped off. I come from the old school where a man's word and good name are two of the most vaulable things he possesses. I am not going to treat a lady bad or rip her off and would expect the same from her as well as not standing her up unless I was dead or nearly dead. If for some reason I could not keep an appointment, I will notify the minute I know I cannot make it. And it would not be last minute unless extremely urgent situation. These are the other reasons I see no benefit in prepaying a deposit.

I am not totally sure of the reason for a prepay unless it is someone relatively unknown and the provider is afraid they may not show up. I guess that is a risk both sides always take in setting up a session.

I feel most all of the ladies on this board maintain and want to keep a good reputation and would have no reason to rip you off on a pre-deposit, but that is not the way I want to operate regardless.

No disrepect intended to anyone.


Stuff happens. The gent can cancel either way, so pre-booking with a deposit seals nothing.

Plus im a free spirit, I may get to a town and decide to go move around. I'll just pay the $325 and go about my business. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
I'm just like you Lisa. When I visit Dallas or Houston, I want to have the freedom of visiting with friends. I only see one person a day so if I get a cancellation, there's a pretty good chance I will be able to fill that spot.
Do guys actually do that? I'm more curious to see the honest success rate of secured deposits. I would think more men would just pay the $300 rather that prebook/prepay a deposit, but I've been wrong before.

As far as doubting a reputable provider would scam anyone, au contraire. In fact, it's been my experience that those are the ones who abuse their rep to get over on guys, knowing that if an alert or bad review gets posted, their team of WK's will come galloping in to shit all over it lol. Not saying that is the case here, but it is one of many reasons why guys don't prepay. Just look at the Dallas alerts lol. "Reputable" ladies screw guys over (not in a good way) all the time. NOT that Naomi would, I'm just saying. It happens.
Wayward's Avatar
Not just with touring providers, but a few of the real "meanies" are some of the most kind and generous gentlemen around. I'm not in that league by any stretch of the imagination, but I know a guy who knows a guy who just last week...

Most of the time, when we have made some personal error in judgment it works out fine or better than fine, but sometimes it goes the other way too. It's one thing to play the fucktard with someone you have a relationship with and quite another to do it with a stranger. I could tell a tale of blackmail and skulduggery that would pickle your cucumber Dannie, there are folks that use personal info as their primary source or income. Shocking! I know, but it happens and most of the time you never really hear about it on the SHMBs.