GIF Avatar

so how do i get this handy dandy GIF to work as my avatar. its the correct size and size but it won't "play" when i upload it as my avatar or if i link to it.

have those been outlawed for bandwidth reasons?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-10-2012, 12:45 PM
Well as far as that one goes if that Dick goes into that pussy it won't be allowed. It's porn. I had same problem getting them to work.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I'm pretty sure dicks aren't allowed... AT ALL!!!
no it doesn't go in...its one helluva stripper slide though!
i get the NDA policy if, in fact, that is legit. that said...none of the GIFs i upload seem to work so it can't be a content issue...i'm just wondering if avatar GIFs are blocked to keep the site running faster...that is if you aren't paying for ad space. haha
trey is your GIF uploaded or linked from a website?
Mojojo's Avatar
No pics of genitalia or sex acts are permitted. To make your avatar into a GIF you have to downsize it. It can be a pain.