What you need to know about Paula Broadwell - Truely Amazing

At Century High School in Bismarck, ND, Paula Broadwell excelled in and out of the classroom earning all state basketball honors, orchestra concert mistress, student council president, homecoming queen, and valedictorian.

At West Point, she had a dual major in systems engineering and political geography, ran cross-country and track, and competed in the high jump. She earned 12 varsity letters. Graduating number one in physical fitness in West Point?s Class of 1995, a class whose size numbers 1015 with 87% men, she selected Military Intelligence Corps and an initial posting to Korea to serve as a platoon leader on the DMZ.

Assignments followed in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. They included the command of an International Defense Intelligence Agency Document Exploitation Unit in Bosnia and as a senior intelligence and security officer for the largest Military Police Battalion in the Army based in Mannheim, Germany, sparking an interest in covert military operations.

As a senior Army Captain, Broadwell entered into the world of black operations but traded her active duty commission for
one in the Army reserves when she become engaged to Scott Broadwell.

Recalled to active duty shortly after the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, Broadwell was assigned as a special operations command intelligence planner in Europe. Her role included planning of strikes on counter-terrorist targets in Africa, the Caucuses region and Afghanistan. She expanded her physical skill by engaging in several self-defense and combative courses, and earning Airborne qualifications from four countries.

She returned to graduate school earning dual masters degrees in International Security and Conflict Resolution from the University of Denver and a master?s degree in public administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. She also studied Arabic and Middle Eastern culture at the University of Jordan in Amman.

She was the Deputy Director of the Jebsen Center for Counter-Terrorism Studies at Tufts University in 2006. The Center?s mission was to increase the understanding and competency of counter-terrorism professionals at various levels. When General David Petraeus assumed command of the Multi-National Forces in Iraq, the Jebsen Center provided his command group with robust research and analysis of counter-terrorism alternatives.

Paula?s research to support Gen. Petraeus led her to develop expertise in counter-terror financing, political risk analysis, social network modeling and the strategic leadership of national security organizations. It also inspired her to pursue a doctoral degree in organizational management. But as she got to know Petraeus, her interest in transformational leadership grew.

Successfully petitioning her doctoral advisors at Kings College War Studies Department at the University of London for a change, Paula?s dissertation became focused on adaptive leadership and the military leadership trajectory of Gen. David Petraeus.

She was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserves in summer 2012. And, most important of all, she has big tits.

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Both of these women obsessed with military men of rank made serious mistakes.

Sadly for everyone involved, neither one realized the consequences of their actions and left wrecked lives strewn in their wake.

They both deeply their actions now, but there's nothing remotely funny in the story.

. . . It is another tragic story born of jealousy and stupidity.
Who cares where he stuck his dick? The fact that these two were unfaithful to their spouses has more to do with the quality of the marriage then it does with any of this other crap.
I feel the same way about Bill Clinton. It made me no difference what he did, but WHERE he did it was wrong. He should have gone to a Motel 6.
I feel the same way about Bill Clinton. It made me no difference what he did, but WHERE he did it was wrong. He should have gone to a Motel 6. Originally Posted by sooner70
What how many guys get laid in there office everyday. The only problem I had with what Clinton did is he lied about it. He should have just said "hell ya, I got my dick sucked in the oval!"
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  • Reddd
  • 12-01-2012, 02:53 PM
Broadwell's accomplishments and track record prior to all this are exemplary. That plus her looks = an impressive package indeed. Got to be one of if not the best look LTC I've come across.


The first thing they stress in that little private class required before they let the generals pin on their star is "keep it in your pants"

Wonder how all this would have come across if it were played as the General and a LTC on his staff got it on - still not good - but not near as sensational;