Are you staying or leaving....

40F Cougar's Avatar
You get to the incall and when the door opens you notice it's not the same girl as in the pictures. Then she opens her mouth.....are you staying or leaving? LOL
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Im going to take a wild guess and say.... YES!! LOL!! (incendently that girl holds the Guinness book of records on female tongues..its as long as an Iphone

Im going to take a wild guess and say.... YES!! LOL!! (incendently that girl holds the Guinness book of records on female tongues..its as long as an Iphone

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
What did the tag line say before they blocked out the part between MY and GLAND.
  • juggy
  • 11-26-2012, 11:48 PM
40F Cougar's Avatar
Yes her tongue is 3,8 inches world record 2012.
chicagoboy's Avatar
I'm leaving - she seems to have a nasty case of thrush.
I think both girls could do a little work on their eyebrows
Both look like a womans dream...
Gipper4's Avatar
They have eyebrows????
I am surprised, the taint master has not chimed in,,,,,

Or he is in his evil lair, searching........
boshif's Avatar
but can they breath out their ears!