Timing on Heathcare for the GOP

This thing has turned the corner and it's absolutely a bug up their ass. Like Social Security. Like Medicare. Like every other program that is designed to protect to poor, the elderly, the vulnerable. How the fuck can you be a Republican and look in the mirror you selfish shit-assed conceited pricks and oppose these programs because of your selfishness? They know that once the population understands that the program guarantees the basic human right of receiving healthcare treatment when you are ill, that there is no going back. That's why they want to delay the implementation of the program, no other reason. Because once the program is implemented, the American people will realize that the idea that every single American who is ill deserves the right to be treated for that illness is a good thing. And that Americans will reject the GOP and Tea Party idea that you ought to be able to get treatment for an illness only if you have enough money to pay for that treatment.

Isn't that the bottom line? Or that,God forbid, tax dollars should be used to treat sick people. Which is, of course, what happens right now.

Chime in folks. How do we treat sick people? What should we do?
This thing has turned the corner and it's absolutely a bug up their ass. Like Social Security. Like Medicare. Like every other program that is designed to protect to poor, the elderly, the vulnerable. How the fuck can you be a Republican and look in the mirror you selfish shit-assed conceited pricks and oppose these programs because of your selfishness? They know that once the population understands that the program guarantees the basic human right of receiving healthcare treatment when you are ill, that there is no going back. That's why they want to delay the implementation of the program, no other reason. Because once the program is implemented, the American people will realize that the idea that every single American who is ill deserves the right to be treated for that illness is a good thing. And that Americans will reject the GOP and Tea Party idea that you ought to be able to get treatment for an illness only if you have enough money to pay for that treatment.

Isn't that the bottom line? Or that,God forbid, tax dollars should be used to treat sick people. Which is, of course, what happens right now.

Chime in folks. How do we treat sick people? What should we do? Originally Posted by timpage
In a couple of years you will be dropping some pearls out of that clam...enjoy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So glad you can explain to us the true meaning of "generosity", TimmyBoy! Taking someone else's money from them, by force, and giving it to some other person you have deemed more worthy of that money than the person who earned it.

Now I understand.

flghtr65's Avatar
So glad you can explain to us the true meaning of "generosity", TimmyBoy! Taking someone else's money from them, by force, and giving it to some other person you have deemed more worthy of that money than the person who earned it.

Now I understand.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You mean like the Medicare Part D Prescription drug plan started by Republican George Bush? Your Tax dollar went to bail out Wall Street after they lost all of their money trading unregulated securities in the fourth quarter of 2008. Yes, George Bush and Tarp said AIG was more worthy of your money then you are. If the government can help out Wall street when they fail, why not help our fellow citizens to have Affordable health insurance. Only 20% of the population will be on Obamacare the other 80 per cent will get their health insurance where they work through the group plan. From the mouth of former Republican Senator Olympia Snow.

"Snowe had previously hinted at her support when she said: "Is this bill all that I would want? Far from it. But when history calls, history calls and I happen to think that the consequences of inaction dictate the urgency of Congress to demonstrate its capacity to solve the monumental issues of our time."

COF, your candidate Ron Paul went home 3 weeks after Michelle 'air head" Bachman with a grand total of 66 delegates. In the USA it's one man one vote, Ron Paul and Mitt lost and lost by a lot. Give it a rest already.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, Fluffy, they lost, so they were wrong. Brilliant.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
How anybody can support this monstrosity of government control and intrusion into your personal lives is an indication of how pathetically ignorant they are.
This thing has turned the corner and it's absolutely a bug up their ass. Like Social Security. Like Medicare. Like every other program that is designed to protect to poor, the elderly, the vulnerable. How the fuck can you be a Republican and look in the mirror you selfish shit-assed conceited pricks and oppose these programs because of your selfishness? They know that once the population understands that the program guarantees the basic human right of receiving healthcare treatment when you are ill, that there is no going back. That's why they want to delay the implementation of the program, no other reason. Because once the program is implemented, the American people will realize that the idea that every single American who is ill deserves the right to be treated for that illness is a good thing. And that Americans will reject the GOP and Tea Party idea that you ought to be able to get treatment for an illness only if you have enough money to pay for that treatment.

Isn't that the bottom line? Or that,God forbid, tax dollars should be used to treat sick people. Which is, of course, what happens right now.

Chime in folks. How do we treat sick people? What should we do? Originally Posted by timpage
Are you saying it is a basic human right or an American right? 15 million illegals receive free healthcare in America everyday and Obamacare forces Americans to pay for theirs with no repercussions.
If you really believe what you are saying, you shouldn't be supporting Obamacare, you should be supporting a law that guarantees all humans the same rights as illegal aliens in America.
Nobody is opposed to helping the poor, or the elderly through Government programs. What's being opposed is the unsoundness of these programs.
flghtr65's Avatar
So, Fluffy, they lost, so they were wrong. Brilliant. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COF, you have run out of arguments, you have nothing. Why are you so opposed to self employed carpenters who can't get health insurance in the individual market, getting health insurance from the Obamacare exchanges? The private/free market has left 40 to 50 million Americans uninsured. That is a fact, not fiction. Six thousand conservatives from RED state Kentucky have already enrolled in Obamacare. In presidential elections Kentucky is a red state that always votes for the republican. I guess these people would rather be insured than not be insured.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
In a couple of years you will be dropping some pearls out of that clam...enjoy Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That makes perfect sense.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you saying it is a basic human right or an American right? 15 million illegals receive free healthcare in America everyday and Obamacare forces Americans to pay for theirs with no repercussions.
If you really believe what you are saying, you shouldn't be supporting Obamacare, you should be supporting a law that guarantees all humans the same rights as illegal aliens in America. Originally Posted by nwarounder
another perfectly brilliant argument.

You've got the gun to your heads... Just tell us why and then you can go ahead and pull the trigger...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How anybody can support this monstrosity of government control and intrusion into your personal lives is an indication of how pathetically ignorant they are. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Show the intrusion... Prove the intrusion.

otherwise shut your pathetically ignorant trap.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So glad you can explain to us the true meaning of "generosity", TimmyBoy! Taking someone else's money from them, by force, and giving it to some other person you have deemed more worthy of that money than the person who earned it.

Now I understand.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
OK, Fulbright. What SHOULD taxes go for? On any level? You've never in 2.2 million posts explained how YOU believe taxes should be levied and spent.

You just say no. To everything.

Then you ignore real questions, deflect or attack.

Here's the chance for you to provide a platform for your beliefs.
flghtr65's Avatar
OK, Fulbright. What SHOULD taxes go for? On any level? You've never in 2.2 million posts explained how YOU believe taxes should be levied and spent.

You just say no. To everything.

Then you ignore real questions, deflect or attack.

Here's the chance for you to provide a platform for your beliefs. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You nailed it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
OK, Fulbright. What SHOULD taxes go for? On any level? You've never in 2.2 million posts explained how YOU believe taxes should be levied and spent.

You just say no. To everything.

Then you ignore real questions, deflect or attack.

Here's the chance for you to provide a platform for your beliefs. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That is total bullshit, and you know it, DOTY Assup. I think taxes should levied on the basis of consumption. It is not wise, and IMHO, illegal for citizens of this country to be forced to report to the government where they work, how much they make, and how they spend their money to the government. A National Sales Tax along the lines of the FairTax is a much more equitable way of raising revenue, and requires much less disclosure. Have you missed those posts, DOTY Assup?

As far as expenditures are concerned, the clear language of the Constitution defines the narrow limits of what the federal government should be doing. I would allocate reasonable funds from the Treasury to finance those activities, AND NOTHING ELSE! What have I ever posted that was unclear on this point?

Now as far as the states and communities are concerned, they are constrained by their own constitutions and charters..

It's called "Federalism". It's the philosophy on which the USA founded.

But I'm on to the fact that when you try to make a point, you will make up stuff about me.