"Your caught, so now what"?

Ok, the scenario goes something like this; You encounter the police either before, during or after your "date" with an escort. The police begin their questioning of you. They ask for your ID and you are panic stricken. the questioning begins, "why are you here"? , "who is the lady you are with"? etc. One of the officers tells you they may be contacting your family or work if you don't cooperate. What do you do?

I know what you should do, but want to see what some of the answers are from some of the men.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
First I would ask if I'm under arrest and if they said yes then I'd shut up and tell them to get to it. If they said no then I'd tell them who I am with is none of their business. If they said they would contact wife and work then I think they'll have a hard time contacting a wife I don't have and I'd hand them a company business card and tell them to feel free.

I love being single with a simple life... lol. They might get her but I'm damn sure not gonna help.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Double post.... Sign of a true post ho right there
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Good answer EA
if it does happen....stfu stfu and then stfu
It has been my experience that most men in such given situation will "talk away" thinking somehow by cooperating they are going to get out of it. Some do, but they end up putting the provider at risk of being caught/apprehended because of it.

I know these videos are old as dirt, but for anyone that has never watched them, these are excellent videos concerning your rights, in such situations / encounters with the police.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8z7NC5sgik Part I

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08fZQ...eature=related Part II

Also, how to refuse a police search: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyokK...eature=related
I would answer that I'm uncomfortable with this line of questioning, and would like a lawyer present to ascertain my rights. Never, ever answer anything other than demographic information.
Cpalmson's Avatar
You do have to identify yourself (Supreme Court ruling). If asked for ID, provide it. If asked for your name, provide it. Ask if you are under arrest. If the reply is no, then you are technically free to leave, but I would confirm that before just walking/driving off. If you are placed under arrest, they should read you the Miranda warning. If they don't, they are in big trouble. After being "Mirandized", tell the police that you will not answer any questions without a lawyer being present. At this point, your private life will become public, so be prepared to deal with that; however, my "lawyering up", you are making them do their job. This means gathering evidence, etc which then has to be forwarded to the DA. If the evidence is flimsy/won't stand up in court, you'll get off as the DA won't prosecute a case that lacks evidence. On the other hand, if you spill your guts, your going to get convicted because that is all they really need. They aren't going to let you off the hook if you confess. They may appreciate your making the job easier, but it won't buy any sympathy. I guess the choice would be how hard to fight it or get it over with quickly. In any case, you're fucked whether you get off or not.
ilikepie's Avatar
Just to clear this up. If you are caught in the act of a crime then they do not have to say the Miranda Rights to you. If you don't agree please get caught in Birmingham, Al. breaking the law.
If the police arrest you, anything you have said will be twisted into something entirely different than what you did say, in order to best suit the scenario that the DA has laid forth for the officers to attest to, to be in best agreement with the original, full of lies, police report. If they don't read you your rights, they will lie and say that they did. If you provoke them into beating the shit out of you, they will say this is the condition they found you in and that's why they started questioning you. It's really not funny at all, so just be very careful when you talk to the cops and don't make them angry. Say as little as possible and don't look them in the eye if you are avoiding a barrage of questions to which your lack of answers are provoking their violent tendencies toward anger. They are not obligated to be truthful before or after the fact and they have weapons that are bigger than yours, which you can't use against them anyway without forfeiting the rest of your life.

I do agree with Guilty, though, snitching on anyone else will probably not gain you any favor, it will just become part of the information that is going to be twisted up to fuck you over too. Nobody likes a snitch, not even the cops.
Still Looking's Avatar
If they have a picture of my DICK, I'd tell them the case will get dismissed! Lack of evidence! Stop wasting my time! Then if they ask me what I was doing with such a young lady, I'd reply, "she stopped breathing and I was reviving her!" Then they would say, you should be giving CPR! Then my reply... "How in hell you think this got started?!"
If they have a picture of my DICK, I'd tell them the case will get dismissed! Lack of evidence! Stop wasting my time! Then if they ask me what I was doing with such a young lady, I'd reply, "she stopped breathing and I was reviving her!" Then they would say, you should be giving CPR! Then my reply... "How in hell you think this got started?!" Originally Posted by Still Looking
Love this.
Still Looking's Avatar
Love this. Originally Posted by amusemeant
This would be me!
To me the simple thing to do is one say nothing or two say you are having a discrete encounter with another women because your wife had cut you off..I bet any male cop would agree and understand....I mean how can they prove anything if you are seen leaving the room?
Great comments and thoughts....but first off be prepared

Know who your lawyer is b4 you need him. Meet with him, quick meeting, b4 you need him. I take mine out to lunch once a year, and hope that's all I need him for

Know what bailsbond man your going to use b4 you need him. (you can have the best attorney in the world, but if your busted at 3am, he's probably not going to be much help at 3am. I give mine a phone call, at least once a year to make sure he's still
in business and knows my name.

Know that you have THE RIGHT to remain silent. This is not a favor or something that is nice...it's your right. Don't let them get you talking, it always ends badly.

Get an attorney who does not specialize in traffic stuff...but the real deal criminal attorney. All attorney are not create equally...I personally like the more aggressive type...not the a-hole type, by any means, but one who is not just going thur the motions and then sends you a bill. Find you that fits your style.

Now, if this is just a simple prostitution bust....i.e.you have no illegal substance
your not responding to underage, you have no outstanding warrants, etc. You probably
are not going to be subject to some high level investigation. Iregardless of what you
might be told, in order to get you to spill your beans

Pick a good attorney who from the point of your arrest DOES ALL your talking, and
you'll most likely not have to fear phone calls to your home or work.

I'm not an attorney, so I'm not givng legal advice. I'm just throwing my 2cents in.

Fortunately I had to do with this situation only once, and my attorney shut it down fairly painlessly.

Some folks advocate handling things themselves and saving them the cost of an attorney....not saying that's the wrong way....different strokes for different folks.

But to me, what I paid for my attorney was well worth the effort. Personally, I feel if I have the funds to play in the hobby, then
spending some $$$ on an attorney to keep things discreet and simple is worth it
Still Looking's Avatar
To me the simple thing to do is one say nothing or two say you are having a discrete encounter with another women because your wife had cut you off..I bet any male cop would agree and understand....I mean how can they prove anything if you are seen leaving the room? Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Great comments and thoughts....but first off be prepared

Know who your lawyer is b4 you need him. Meet with him, quick meeting, b4 you need him. I take mine out to lunch once a year, and hope that's all I need him for

Know what bailsbond man your going to use b4 you need him. (you can have the best attorney in the world, but if your busted at 3am, he's probably not going to be much help at 3am. I give mine a phone call, at least once a year to make sure he's still
in business and knows my name.

Know that you have THE RIGHT to remain silent. This is not a favor or something that is nice...it's your right. Don't let them get you talking, it always ends badly.

Get an attorney who does not specialize in traffic stuff...but the real deal criminal attorney. All attorney are not create equally...I personally like the more aggressive type...not the a-hole type, by any means, but one who is not just going thur the motions and then sends you a bill. Find you that fits your style.

Now, if this is just a simple prostitution bust....i.e.you have no illegal substance
your not responding to underage, you have no outstanding warrants, etc. You probably
are not going to be subject to some high level investigation. Iregardless of what you
might be told, in order to get you to spill your beans

Pick a good attorney who from the point of your arrest DOES ALL your talking, and
you'll most likely not have to fear phone calls to your home or work.

I'm not an attorney, so I'm not givng legal advice. I'm just throwing my 2cents in.

Fortunately I had to do with this situation only once, and my attorney shut it down fairly painlessly.

Some folks advocate handling things themselves and saving them the cost of an attorney....not saying that's the wrong way....different strokes for different folks.

But to me, what I paid for my attorney was well worth the effort. Personally, I feel if I have the funds to play in the hobby, then
spending some $$$ on an attorney to keep things discreet and simple is worth it Originally Posted by vkmaster
Both good, but staying out of harms way is simply the best way! Do your research!