There are countless numbers of good (and a few great) whores with a long list of Stellar Reviews and a phenomenal Reputation.
Over the years we have seen some really great whores simply "lose it" and almost overnight they trash their reputation and often some guy gets caught up in that downward spiral and negatively impacted by their implosions.
When you look back at those you can sometimes spot the signs of that change in effect.....
In the last week Kitty Bunny Fuck has displayed EXTREME indiscretion with the privacy of her clients posting a FAVORITE list outing many guys that had never publicly acknowledged seeing her. Not a single apologetic word from her
In the last couple of days Fire Phoenix has taken on a very creepy and stalker-like attitude bringing personal matters between herself and long time reputable hobbyist to CoEd.....
IS there something in the water? Are these two back to back examples of Whores Gone Bad just an anomaly or is something up?
Maybe it's all the Austin Monger Money leaving town because of the recurring influx of young hotttt HWP whores from Dallas that are increasing their market share...
Guys need to stay aware of these signs....... Don't get caught up in a whore spiraling downhill losing control.
Avoid Drama in your Whore Selection. There are many Drama Free Choices available.