Bad Review for me?

SexiLexiSparks's Avatar
I don't know if this is alert worthy or where I should place this.

I was heading to an outcall to a hobbyist and I am still sitting here waiting on Tripl A who said they were 15 min away about that length of time ago. I was headed to Arlington going to see him which is close to home.
I was thinking going to see him then head home and not staying the night across town in room.

While we wait I ask more verifying questions. Becomes pretty rude. I apologize that the tow truck is slow. So I tell him after he says hurry up that I can't rush the tow truck people.

Days he's going to let all you guys know I'm a time waster which I am not. And not the type of person I reflect. I'm still sitting on side of the road. I called a friend who is also on the way. So who ever makes it first.

Well there you go. Good night hobbyists and fellow providers.
SexiLexiSparks's Avatar
Be aware of a ncns Im going to have due to a flat tire pn side of 635. Again im am accused of being timewaster due to flat tire.

You can pm for more info

now sending me messages like Let go of my pimp which all of you know I don't have. Again I apologize for the flat tire. Let guys know when I make it safely.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
not an alert- but people know your reputation so I wouldn't give it much thought- things do happen both good and bad- hope you get your car situated and if he can't understand that a flat tire causes a delay that's his problem not yours.
SexiLexiSparks's Avatar
Thanks. I never spoken to someone so rude. I get the flat tire attempting to see him. And I just got the call they are a block away and I'm back on the road! Home at least!
Chung Tran's Avatar
just curious... why do you feel the need to give a "real time" head's up about an alert that may happen? I would be concerned about my flat tire and nothing else.. I gather you've been burned by false alerts before?
SexiLexiSparks's Avatar
Cause I'm was just sitting here waiting on triple a.... fixing my tire now. I just don't want a bad rep frp cause of a problem that's being fixed as we speak!
SexiLexiSparks's Avatar
Still getting hang of boards. ... Sorry. ☺
SexiLexiSparks's Avatar
He was pretty rude.

Well good night and my car is about done woohoo
Chung Tran's Avatar
ironic... maybe you should be seeing me.. I've been told my love is like a tire iron
Mojojo's Avatar
Not an alert moved to coed..
SexiLexiSparks's Avatar
Thanks mojojo
when a guy has been burned a few times, it's hard for him to know when a girl is telling the truth. some guys are so narcissistic they can't understand that things will happen. don't worry about it. You have a good rep. If he does post here, then you can post a simple reply of you had a flat tire. Let it go with that. Personally, I think you jumped the gun a bit. Next time. wait for their to be a problem. Especially over a relatively minor issue.
Some ladies cause more drama for themselves by posting such ramblings. Good grief. Next time wait for him to post something and then take your time to put together ONE well thought out statement. SMH.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I got to agree with Kendall about posting to soon.
wildboy_214's Avatar
Let miss beautiful Lexi slide on this one its not like she has a reputation for being a drama queen.