OOORAH Happy Birthday Marines

Happy Birthday to the US Marines!!! Always the first to bleed and fight for their country.
Ladies consider doing an active duty marine today.
To the non-active service Marines on this site....thanks for you service.
Not bad for a little idea in a Philly tavern in 1775.

Thanks again guys.
shooter6.5's Avatar
The very best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew a Marine once who had a t-shirt that said, "If you want more than basic training, sleep with a Marine"

Gave me my first multiple orgasm. OOORAH, indeed.
The Marines are indeed a great force for our enemies to recon with but not always the first in the fight. The 82nd Airborne can be anywhere in the world in 18 hours. Hell it takes the Navy that long to get the Marines on board a ship for deployment. If you want the best, talk to a soldier from the US Army that was also with the military police.
I never served but, isn't comparing an MP in the army to a marine, analogous to calling a meter maid a cop?

Nothing against the Airborne boys but Marine Expeditionary Units are probably there on the ground already lasering targets for the air force to blow up so the airborne guys can take control of the ground situation. Modern warfare calls for joint forces operations so the timing difference is probably no thicker than a cunt hair.
God Bless and keep them, with a little help from an M-16!

lda523287's Avatar
I never served but, isn't comparing an MP in the army to a marine, analogous to calling a meter maid a cop?

Nothing against the Airborne boys but Marine Expeditionary Units are probably there on the ground already lasering targets for the air force to blow up so the airborne guys can take control of the ground situation. Modern warfare calls for joint forces operations so the timing difference is probably no thicker than a cunt hair. Originally Posted by Sawyer
Semper Fi! Do or die!
Ok I thought I might get some flak for my post. But an MP in the army are as about a well trained force outside of SEALS and Delta Force members in our military. And the Marines send their own MP's to the army for training. I went to Fort McClellan for my MP training and there were the marines learning from army instructors. I think MP's are now trained at Fort Leonard Wood along with Marines.

The 82nd can be anywhere in less than 18 hours, thats a pretty good response time and a plane can fly faster than a ship can sail.

Thank goodness for all the armed forces we have.

Our motto was "kill them all and let God Sort them out" and "We kill for Peace"

Sheeesh makes me want to go hunting for bad guys in Afghanistan and Iraq.
shooter6.5's Avatar
them again recently. Also worked with the 82nd in Iraq. Both great outfits. so lets not get carried away here. It is the USMC birthday-not the Army/

I also get to visit the Stan now and then and it is VERY rewarding!!

Semper Fi
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Thanks for the well wishes. Semper Fidelis, Marines!!!
Happy Veterans Day to all of our brave military. Thank you for the FREEDOM you have given us.
MSGT, US Army Airborne Ranger (Ret.) here. We jack around a lot with the Jarheads but then I never saw one shot in the back. Happy Birthday Devil Dogs....BTW the Army is older than the country and Rangers are older than the Army, prominent in the French and Indian War and as far back as King Phillip's War. When a paratrooper goes into combat he is by definition "surrounded by the enemy". Stop and say a quite thank you tomorrow at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
Spikebaby's Avatar

Well Said LuckJack.

And I salute the Marines on their birthday and all the members, past and present in our armed services.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar

Spikebaby Originally Posted by Spikebaby
I'm going to have to session with you again