let's get it out in the open

If you are a provider who is now requesting reference fees, please let the guys know here right now. It is your "right" to request a reference fee. Just like it is your right to set your own menu and own donation amounts. I believe getting this new oncoming "industry standard" out in the open, will save fellow hobbyist and providers any confusion, problems and misunderstandings. This is a new issue, so lets figure who needs reference fees. To THE LADIES, you might even want to add your policy on this on your ads and provider profiles. We all need to know the rules so, we can play by them. thanks
  • cboat
  • 03-15-2018, 05:58 PM
I see potential problems ahead. This is basically a cash and carry business. How many will be willing to provide the info needed for this in advance? I know there are ways around this like gift cards and such. What about NCNS after payment was made? Just starters. Maybe I am paranoid or just don't know how this operates.
This would definitely be a deal breaker for me.
When this was brought up in the other thread it was for suggested for older references beyond 1 year or whatever time frame providers see as appropriate. Although I can understand the reasoning here, I think it is a bad idea to bring money into the reference system. Sooner or later, someone will be desperate and provide a paid reference for someone they haven't actually seen. This will eventually get someone hurt or worse if this becomes a thing.
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
Subject was brought up for a reason, who required the payment??
I am a provider who DOESN'T require reference fee... Hmm, never heard of that rule, so i'm guessing that's new?
I am a provider who DOESN'T require reference fee... Hmm, never heard of that rule, so i'm guessing that's new? Originally Posted by TaylorKisses
It's not a rule, but here's the thread where it was discussed to provide some context:

shortblkguy's Avatar
Yikes. Yes, lets be open about it.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
When this was brought up in the other thread it was for suggested for older references beyond 1 year or whatever time frame providers see as appropriate. Although I can understand the reasoning here, I think it is a bad idea to bring money into the reference system. Sooner or later, someone will be desperate and provide a paid reference for someone they haven't actually seen. This will eventually get someone hurt or worse if this becomes a thing. Originally Posted by bigjohn001

hogmanjones's Avatar
What's going to be happening is while the guy isn't getting screwed because he wont pay for a reference, the girls will be getting screwed because they will miss out on a client. Lose-lose scenario here.
adultswim's Avatar
What's going to be happening is while the guy isn't getting screwed because he wont pay for a reference, the girls will be getting screwed because they will miss out on a client. Lose-lose scenario here. Originally Posted by hogmanjones
I think it is a bad idea to bring money into the reference system. Sooner or later, someone will be desperate and provide a paid reference for someone they haven't actually seen. This will eventually get someone hurt or worse if this becomes a thing. Originally Posted by bigjohn001
I agree that this will happen. I thought references were for safety, not a revenue stream. Money must be more important to some than safety.
Reference fee is a bad idea, ugh, really??
Charging a reference fee is the definition of greed. Collect hundreds if not thousands of dollars from a client and then because something changes in their lives and they have to take a break from the hobby you want to charge them a fee if they ask for a referral? Horrible, horrible idea.