Hobby Phone hacked?

mtabsw's Avatar
I got a midnite text from a friend- my last text to them spoke about giving them a ride if necessary - that was earlier in the day.

The text to me at midnite said something playful to the affect about riding her and to call.

I did - no answer.

Today she asked why I called - and seemed totally bewildered about the texts.

We're both freaking now that the phone messages somehow were hacked. This means someone could intercept what I sent her - and then fake a text from her phone.

How can we test this and is there a way to remove it from our phone(s)?
mansfield's Avatar
It seems more likely that someone got hold of her phone but I guess anything is possible.

She have a boyfriend out there you don't know of?

If you are using one of the IP based services it's possible, Google etc, but unikely.

Plus the language of that text sounds more like a pissed off boyfriend.

Good luck. I'd personally burn the phone and move to another if it were me.
LucadeJure's Avatar
Definitely, burn the phone. Please, say it is your hobby phone.
mtabsw's Avatar
Definitely, burn the phone. Please, say it is your hobby phone. Originally Posted by LucadeJure
Yep. (Title?). Already done and gone - I am crazy but not stupid.

My concern now is mainly for my friend. I'm guessing someone who shouldn't have got to her phone.
mansfield's Avatar
Yep. Rule #1 of cybersecurity is physical access. Doesn't matter how good a password you have on the alarm if the front door is unlocked
thisguy23's Avatar
I had a friend who's ex wife hacked his cell phone, I had no idea that it could even be done. She knew everything that was going on in his life and telling his family. Every text or email he sent or got went to her phone. He caught on when he sent a text 3 times when she was there and each time her phone beeped. I think the website was called Life hack, but I'm not sure.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I had a friend who's ex wife hacked his cell phone, I had no idea that it could even be done. She knew everything that was going on in his life and telling his family. Every text or email he sent or got went to her phone. He caught on when he sent a text 3 times when she was there and each time her phone beeped. I think the website was called Life hack, but I'm not sure. Originally Posted by thisguy23
Rot roe. That's some fucked up shit. Fuck having a SO that wants to be in your business. There has to be warning signs that they are control freaks and might try some crazy bullshit like that.

I'm assuming she hacked it before she was an ex and just kept up being a nosy fucking bitch after they were over with?
thisguy23's Avatar
Take anything I say about programs, comp, or tech with a grain of salt. I am very low tech. What I got out of him was that someone can send you a e mail or text with a hacker program hidden in a file, say pic for example, then when you open the file it will download. Could all be BS for all I know.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Does she have google voice? If so, access was made via computer and not physically through her phone. If she left google open on her computer it made easy access for the hacker.
Usually if someone goes to the time and trouble to hack a phone, it is to wreak havoc. One text to you would not have sufficed. Every text on her phone would have been replied to. And it probably would have been very specifically worded to wreak havoc. Hackers don't usually play long term games. They go for the kill.
if you are sloppy with your account management (ie shared accounts) or you use shared computers then you may have unwittingly given her access which she took advantage of once she had and interest or motivation. maybe a keystroke logger app on the shared computer? maybe a shared wireless account where she requested a detailed invoice by call/text?

if it is your SO then it is likely not a hack. women are smart and all of us will likely get caught; it is only a matter of when and how. the methods rarely require sophistication. we simply get sloppy.