Interesting facts about my favorite drink of the day "semen"

1. Small quantities of over 30 different substances have been identified in human semen. These include nitrogen, fructose, lactic acid, ascorbic acid, inositol, cholesterol, glutathione, creatine, pyruvic acid, citric acid, sorbitol, urea, uric acid and Vitamin B12, along with various salts and enzymes.

2. The earth could be re-populated to its current level using the number of sperm that could fit into an aspirin capsule.

3. During erection, a smaller flaccid penis tends to have a greater percentage increase than a larger flaccid penis.

4. A teaspoon of semen contains approximately 5 calories.

5, When a man ejaculates, the initial spurt travels at 28 miles per hour – faster than the world record for the 100m sprint, which currently stands at 22.9 miles per hour.

6. With nothing in its path, a penis can shoot semen anywhere from 12 to 24 inches.

7. The average adult testicle contains enough sperm to measure a quarter of a mile laid out end to end.

8. During an average man’s lifetime, he will ejaculate approximately 17 litres of semen, which amounts to about half a trillion sperm.

9. The testes increase in size by 50% when a man is sexually aroused.

10. According to experts, sex is about 10 times more effective as a tranquilizer than Valium.

11. Sneezes, along with orgasms, are the only physiological responses that cannot be voluntarily stopped once they have started.

12. There’s a direct link between how often a man has sex and his life expectancy.

Be good or be good at it,
Paris Bouvier
pyramider's Avatar
Concerning #8, I have done more than that by age 30.
Sensei's Avatar
#12 confirms my SO is trying to get rid of me, but I have a plan.
DallasRain's Avatar
great post!

A teaspoon of semen contains approximately 5 calories.

{my diet plan!}
thisguy23's Avatar
You forgot a couple of things
13- When applied to breast and rubbed in it will increase the size of said breast

14- When appled to face and rubbed in it will prevent wrinkles
Ms. Athena's Avatar
LOL LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing on one of my fav topics....I do so enjoy me some sweet cum!!! YUM!!!!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
#12 confirms my SO is trying to get rid of me, but I have a plan. Originally Posted by Sensei