The recent changes suck for the ladies

It sucks that the weekly and weekend updates are gone and the ladies can’t do any advertising. It’s never good to lose a good advertising venue. If someone told me that I was going to lose one of my best advertising methods I’d be pissed off and want to fight them! All I can offer is to stay relevant. You been restricted like crazy but you can still keep your name out there. I know in the past, I seen like a coed or sandbox post and think, oh dang, I haven’t seen her in awhile, wtf, let me try to fix that! So idk, just my opinion, but as a business, it’s always good to get noticed and mentioned.

From my side. Not much is going to change for me. When I stumbled across Eccie I was looking for an alternative to all I knew up to then, BP. (Shudders)
I found out about p411 and SW Twitter from a coed discussion here. The reviews are the most helpful for me. And I know quite a few ladies are not fans of reviews. Sometimes for my biz I am not either. But I learned after a horrible review years ago that it still had my name out there getting talked about. And made conversation for regulars, etc. Plus, when you have enough good ones, a one off will be dismissed much easier and quicker.

The reviews help me by booking with ladies that I think we’ll click better. Since I started using Eccie and p411 I’ve only had 2 bad dates. Both had little to no info on here. P411 has been renewed lol. If I haven’t seen a lady yet, it’s cool to go to Eccie search and put her p411 in and find her. Sucks that the bio pages are gone as I liked having that after p411 cut out bios.

I’m just hoping people don’t start bailing. At least the ones that contribute good info. I’ve seen a few on the national board asking that accounts be deleted. Most have single digit post counts, so whatever. But I for one appreciate the info. And guys can always DM me about any questions they have about ladies I’ve seen that they don’t want to ask in public.

So thank you everyone! It’s been a great 2 years and it wouldn’t have been without y’all! I appreciate you! Have fun and be safe!!
LexiLayneOmaha's Avatar
^ Agreed
A basic overview of the new laws in Texas that are causing this change: