Please Do NOT judge me off Another mans Opion

AhanaJourney's Avatar
Everyone is entitled to their own opion Not every one is going to like me Im not going to click with everyone andGuess what? Im so ok with that! But please dont just pass me up! Take a chance what is everyone so scared of? Jesus I got on this site cuz i always heard good things. Do yall guys see me and just pass over me or are you afriad? Can someone fill me in please! And thank u!
Sorry you’re having problems. I strayed across this post and at first didn’t understand what you were talking about but then read the comments. Maybe if you come over to the Powder Room you can get some advice from some of the ladies. Xoxo
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
I'm on the road so I will expand later. I understand your plight. But doesn't ECCIE stand for something like escort client communication and information exchange? Wouldn't completely tossing out the past and disregarding who you currently are associated with just make this BP?

Tossing out everyone else's information so one can drop a few hundred on a chance just seems counter to the purpose of the board.

We all have folks whose opinions we trust, and those we toss out the window or completely distrust.

My suggestion to you is to work on being associated with gals you admire and target gents you care to see.

drinkindreamin's Avatar
Ahana, Im going to be completely honest with you. I think your an attractive lady. Ive done some research on you. I honestly question how a girl with your background found herself in such a position. I personally think the hobby has changed since BP and eccie went dark. Its changed things, and things have yet to recover. I think its SLOW with everybody according to the texts I get, that would confirm that. Personally Ive almost quit the hobby as I can no longer afford the expensive rates with several per month. Now Ive found a couple girls that have real jobs and I see them when I can. I think most of the guys can relate and many of us look at alternatives or arrangements that can accommodate our needs. That would probably be the reason the traveling ladies have quit coming. As they cant justify the trip. I think most of the clients here question your past history and associates and is that really behind you. I personally think your pretty but I have my reservations as do the other guys. I do know you were once associated with Victoriaxxx. She played on my sympathy a couple times.. that would be my highest reservation and the rumor you were one managed. I think if you provided some resolve to these questions you’d get more business. Id like to say Im sorry your having such a hard time. I honestly hate to see people struggle. However I also hate to help people to only discover Ive been played. So I would suggest running an ad maybe a special, put on a nice cocktail dress something a lady would wear and give your best service. As men I don't think most of us ask for too much, we like active participation, good service and a reasonable amount of time. Please forgive me if I have offended you as that was not the purpose of the post.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Hmmm, isn't that what this board is FOR?
Cassmann's Avatar
Yeah Victoriaxxx or whatever she Was going by on POF, she conned me into taking her into the middle of the ghetto on a lie, to Me it seemed like a "Candy run". We've have heard rumors that we are Not sure of, and Most on here do Not like BP tendencies. So your past is sketchy so like DD said if you could clarify stuff for us it would help and maybe guys would see you more. And also it seems that you Need to travel and or have a RW job, because the hobby is not the same as it was before the shut down!
AhanaJourney's Avatar
First let me explain I didn1 2girl show with danelle or victora she robbed me of my money... As to rather I was managed or not which I was in the past doesnt change who I am as a Person! Plenty of girls are managed leah lea is managed. I am No longer managed I was young that was my first and last time. Excuse for being young and dumb and i didnt know what i was getting myself into at the time. And associating with the girls is out of the question in SBC I confide to The providers In Dallas and many other cites because the biggest issue is the drama the girls click up and if you do something they dont like as far as with the guys they cut you off basically almost every girl was on BP. Its not just about the money to me so whoever yall are getting your info from is wrong! I love everything I do This is My Job I do have Bills but I do love the connections that I have made with the few lovers Ive seen. Majic You and I have no issues You got mad at me for something that had nothing to do with YOU. Then so I have been told went around telling the guys Not To see me because I was managed. Thats wrong exspecially for someone who doesnt want girls managed!Yes maybe if instead of judging me and ppl would help me things would be better...
There is only one girl who I even speak with other girls wont see meet me because of w.e the rumor is that is going around...
2nd I have no problem with working with anyone that is on a fixed income Im pretty sure my Donations are Alot lower than most of these Providers...I dont ask for extra donations unless is some off the wall fetish. Like I have said many times before If yoi want to know something or anything about me Please Ask Me because it is only obvious everyone is being mislead.
Thank u
AhanaJourney's Avatar
uI would live to travel but can not because i have no vehicle. All my money goes to cabs and when your not making money its reaal hard to save. The should have Rent 2 Own cars lol that would be awesome! Please Ask away Because I would really like to make progress instead of moving backwards! I do NOT associate with victoria at all. She used me tremendously she lied I know exactly how you feel because she did the worlds worse to me I havent seen that girl in a year or longer I do NoT associate with trash persay I didnt know victoria was like that untill she did the same to me!
Just saying...
AhanaJourney's Avatar
Also I have Sevral lovers I have been seeing for over 6 years From BP I always had a great time with everyone I met there I always stayed the whole hour I have very good relationships with the lovers I still see from there. Just putting that out there plus my donations were higher than the norm. As I have dropped my Donations. Im also up for Doubles I think I really got off on the wrong foot thats why I took time out to get myself together I actually intend on getting back into dancing. I also have a degree in fashion design which I am currently working on a line to present to a local strip club owner hopefully to invest for a boutique for that specific strip club. I also am Looking into almost nude housekeeping lol maybe like wearing a t_back and niple covers or something along those lines.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Oh no luv, I don't have a problem with you at all. I walked away from your entitled attitude pretty quick . I simply shared my experience I had with you.
Many of us attempted to help you get started here and you seemed to expect that we would do the actual work FOR you. You responded by threatening to blackmail me, and complain that I had done NOTHING to HELP you, when you wouldn't actually do anything to help yourSELF. You further alienated another local provider by begging to move in with her, and texting asking if she could send you clients because you're broke.
I told you back in Dallas that this is a small town and first impressions Matter, reputation Matters. You seem to be doing a great job of digging your OWN hole, so please, don't try to drag the rest of us into your drama.
HID was spot on about the meaning of's about communication and info want to succeed here? Start by taking the advice some of these gents have given and be accountable for your own behavior rather than list an entire page of excuses.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Hard to understand your posts, but I get the idea. You said you reach out to dfw providers vs the local scene. That's a big mistake, its 2 different landscapes. I will say this, the ladies in sbc and east tx, you would be better off getting advice from them, due to the client base. At first, yes, it might be rough starting off in the area, you got some baggage to shed, but maybe you're on the right track. It's good you've gone indy, that managed stuff puts a bad taste in MANY mouths.

Majic means well, she's just a damn yankee who's looking out for you. If I was back in my ol' stompin' grounds, I'd give ya a look.

Good luck on your endeavors, Ahana.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
For the record what Ahana has said about Victoriaxxx is accurate information as well as other things mentioned here. For the purpose of history and background Victoria liked to frequent the MLK area. She would ask men from POF to give her a ride to the MLK area in the context of helping her out. When in fact she was doing a "deal." and not in the since of the hobby. So I believe Ahana when she says Victoria used her as well because that's what she does is use people. Ive seen Victoria in action with handicapped men in the local stores also. Question is did you meet Victoria in the MLK environment and have you changed things? Personally I believe you could do well here in the Shreveport market considering you make some associates with good standing and reviews. This is your opportunity for a clean slate and a solid reputation but your going to have to build that yourself.
LehaLea's Avatar
First off I am not manage so could you please keep my name out of your mouth and keep your comments to yourself and less you know the truth this is not the place to down talk on other providers if you do not what was going on
Plenty of girls are managed leah lea is managed.

I'm pretty damn sure that Leha is not managed.We chat often and.... i'm calling BS on that one.
I've seen Lehalea many times never thought she was managed.