Celebration time

First anniversary of cutting the chain and dropping 150#s of dead weight. May just merit a special occasion celebration. Justa thought. Been a challenge, but good peaceful year. And I’m still smiling.
Cassmann's Avatar
Oh I know what you mean!! Good riddance, may be tough but not a good time when your miserable daily.
34E Whitney Weston's Avatar
I know it's been a rough year Cowboy. Cheers to ya!
WW I owe you a lot. Without you this year would have been a whole lot harder. Thanks to you it’s had some memorable moments my dear. And I love the long mane! Damn you look good in my bed! ��
Well that went over like a Led Zeppelin!
Idea was a good one but everything that could go wrong did and here I sit. No sex. Kinda like being married! Lol