Whipped Cream or She Caught the Katy

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Have you ever noticed how hard it is to get a short notice appointment here...or maybe its just me.

This morning I found myself with the unusual opportunity of an afternoon off. I messaged no less than four ladies. One of them was traveling through and I had not met her before so she gets a pass. Although she was responsive and said that she was planning to leave out of town to her next stop on her tour and her check out time wouldn’t accommodate my start time.

The next two were shots in the dark but I have met both before on more than one occasion. And yes I gave time before trying each one because I don’t want to be “that guy”. Like I said I found out in the AM I’d only be working half the day. Neither one has replied as of this posting. Not even a “sorry I missed your text” Finally I tried another one,she is traveling here too and answered my first text promptly that she had made the journey to SBC but upon my third text within 5min...no reply.

So what’s a man to do? Well being an old hand at this I say to myself “if I can’t get what I want, I can get what I kneed” so off to the amp I go. Walk in, say I want 1hr, I’m immediately shown to a room and then proceed to get a though rundown by expert hands. No, there weren’t any extras but damn it felt great to be taken care of on demand by a skilled pair of hands.

To the title of this post...as I left the establishment that just previously took all my frustrations away, my playlist randomly selected “Whipped Cream” by the Tijuana Brass, it sounded good to me. I’ll let you discover the second song on the play list.

Thanks for reading my rant, feel free to share your frustrations if you like.

As a caveat, girl number four just replied back before posting this about room issues...like I said “getting a short notice in this town is hard” and not in a good way.