The past is a bitch and so are our words

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Judge individuals not a whole group of people, don't make the mistake Zimmerman did.

Zimmerman is a nut toting around an illegally owned firearm, thinking that just because a dude is black he is up to no good. Not all whites are like that. Heck, even most racist don't go hunting down black people anymore they just complain and make insulting comments on youtube.

I was very saddened to her the police call, my eyes welled up as I heard this poor boy yell out for help, I almost cried from the silence after the gunshot. Why did no one come out to help him, no one allowed this boy to retreat into their homes. People who are guilty of a crime and being chased by security are not going to yell help throughout the streets to bring attention to himself. I hope they really do a separate investigation and put give this boys family justice. SkylarCruzeWantsYou
March 21, 2012

The shooter called the victim "a fucking coon" in his telephone call to 911. Big Louie March 21, 2012

This is a disgusting tragedy. That guy needs to go to jail for a long, long time. Repulsive. CuteOldGuy March 21, 2012


AF-Freakin April 12, 2012

The report also notes that Zimmerman had been prescribed mood medications Adderall and Temazepam before the shooting, ABC News reported. The doctor added that Zimmerman refused to go to the hospital the night of the shooting and added that it was “imperative” that he see his psychologist. WTF May 15, 2012

Just to be fair

Zimmerman was not a Cop.

The way I read it, he was prescribed meds but had not taken them before the shooting.

I think Zimmerman went home and beat himself up or his Daddy whipped his ass for thinking he was Magnum PI or better still those Miami Vice dudes, Crockett and Tubbs. He kinda looks like Tubbs come to think of it.
WTF May 17, 2012

Just a few and some comments

I have to really give WTF some credit. He kept saying that a jury would decide and never really committed on guilt or innocence. Skylar modified her opinion slightly as time went by. Big Louie, you got caught quoting facts that never happened. Shame on you! Cute Old Guy....what can I say, you fucked up! There are many others as many of you know but I'm not going to take the time to dig them all up. I want to leave you with this; this will happen again and again. As long as the poverty pimps and liberal plantation owners can make money or get face time they will gin up crimes that come from tragedy. Next time take the time to pause and really look at what we KNOW instead of what people want you to believe. Try not to jump to conclusions.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is this another Benghazi thread?

Or is this a "you were wrong on Zimmerman but RIGHT ON ROMNEY" thread?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-14-2013, 01:02 PM
Is this another Benghazi thread?

Or is this a "you were wrong on Zimmerman but RIGHT ON ROMNEY" thread? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

JD, IB and a few other simpletons cant let go
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well for them, this was a great victory.

Can't understand why it was a win for them and a loss for others, but I guess to some of these droolers, that's the only way it can be.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-14-2013, 01:14 PM
Well for them, this was a great victory.

Can't understand why it was a win for them and a loss for others, but I guess to some of these droolers, that's the only way it can be. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
when the civil case begins, so does a new life for the droolers, lawyers, policemen, forensic specialists, and criminal judges we have on the board
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That would be everyone, eh?

Or at least half of them...
Watch the video on the link at the bottom.

Cornel West: Most Liberals Are ‘Morally Bankrupt’
By Noel Sheppard | July 14, 2013 | 13:41

Professor and activist Cornel West made a comment Friday evening guaranteed to anger people on the left.

In an HBO Real Time discussion about the use of drones, after calling the current President a “war criminal” for killing innocent civilians, West observed that most liberals are “morally bankrupt” because they’d condemn George W. Bush for doing this but refuse to voice opposition to Barack Obama (video follows with transcript and commentary):

LIZ MAIR, REPUBLICAN CONSULTANT: I applaud your consistency on that, and I think that that is something that many liberals in this country can do with a healthy dose of.
CORNEL WEST, PROFESSOR AND ACTIVIST: I’m not a liberal. I’m a revolutionary Christian.
MAIR: But, but, but, but there are…
MAIR: But there are many liberals, there are many liberals that would agree with you, and I think that a dose of consistency…
WEST: No, but most liberals will only say it when Bush is in office.
MAIR: Of course.
WEST: They won’t say it about a Democrat. That’s morally bankrupt. Morally bankrupt.

This of course is doubly true of media members that railed against virtually everything Bush did concerning national security but have been in lockstep with Obama continuing and even expanding the very same programs.

I guess morally bankrupt says it well.

Read more:
Moot point you could reverse it about right wingers and it would apply. It just speaks about the division in the country.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
to bring it back on track; just reminding people of what they said before.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
didn't you serve our country when you were 17?
His folks wanted him out of the house.
Fox just interviewed Hillary. They asked her about the Zimmerman trial. She said"WHAT DIFFERENCE AT THIS POINT DOES IT MAKE?".
Fox just interviewed Hillary. They asked her about the Zimmerman trial. She said"WHAT DIFFERENCE AT THIS POINT DOES IT MAKE?". Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Iffy and rounder two of the dumbest on the board. Get a room guys .
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fox just interviewed Hillary. They asked her about the Zimmerman trial. She said"WHAT DIFFERENCE AT THIS POINT DOES IT MAKE?". Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Link, asshole?

Never mind, YOU'RE the link. The MISSING link, Simple Jack!