Democratic, union boss...she's all yours. Want claim her?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Massachusetts liberal, democrat, and union leader Janet Vrotsos tweeted to a triple amputee veteran that he was a worthless burden and should have died. Not stopping there she said that he deserved to lose limbs in a "republican" war. You remember, the war voted on by both John Kerry and Hillary Clinton.

In case you have trouble reading it:

You disabled veterans are worthless and all should have died, shame on you for fighting in a republican war, you deserved to lose all you limbs and I hope all veterans lose their benefits. I hope you die a miserable death you worthless fake hero. You and your family will be a burden on tax payers for your entire life. (sic)

Like all cowards she has removed the tweet but the Internet remembers. She is one of yours and her words sound a lot like some written here. I have to point out that she is talking about me and maybe a couple of others here. Do you want to sign up for the extermination camp with her?

Democratic party=sick, twisted fucks and pieces of human waste...but that is just my opinion.
LexusLover's Avatar
Fortunately, she does not represent the Democratic Party, and she is not the spokesperson for the Party.
LexusLover's Avatar
If this is a double post, my apologies, but there seems to be an unexplained delay in my postings.

She does not represent the Democratic Party, and I doubt that "most" Democrats would agree with her, and would "assume" that her thoughts are on the absolute outer fringes of the Democratic Party.

Yep. Double posting, but it probably should be repeated .. a number of times so it will "sink" in.
Democratic party=sick, twisted fucks and pieces of human waste...but that is just my opinion. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If you are ignorant enough to believe the garbage that you desperately attempt to pass off as factual, it is you who is a sick, twisted fuck and piece of human waste.

"...but that is just my opinion."
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If it swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, and flies like a duck according to bugtex it is a dog.

Is it Democrat Party or Democratic Party?

I wish people would learn that we are not a democracy but a representative republic.
If it swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, and flies like a duck according to bugtex it is a dog. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Apparently, we can put 2Pups in the category as being ignorant enough to fall for JD Idiot's insane ramblings.

Note to JD Idiot, 2Pups or any of their insane followers: Please provide a link where the Democratic Party (not an individual) informed "a triple amputee veteran that he was a worthless burden and should have died." And that veterans who were amputees "deserved to lose limbs in a "republican" war."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Here is her public Facebook page and her tweet....again.

Here is more to the story:

She is part of local union 2222 of the IBEW in MA. She is not an official spokesman for the DNC and I never said she was. What she is is a shining example of the liberal, win at any cost no matter who you destroy mindset. She is a democrat proud and true.

Now if someone wants to contest this then come up with some facts from someone with an axe to grind. That means IBEW 2222 or the democratic party of MA. Call her yourselves and let her say that she has been hacked and then she can explain the attempt to destroy this veteran to protect her.

There you go Big Tampon.

I will also point out to the moderator that this information that she has put out and it is public knowledge.

She is part of local union 2222 of the IBEW in MA. She is not an official spokesman for the DNC and I never said she was. What she is is a shining example of the liberal, win at any cost no matter who you destroy mindset. She is a democrat proud and true.

Now if someone wants to contest this then come up with some facts from someone without an axe to grind. That means IBEW 2222 or the democratic party of MA. Call her yourselves and let her say that she has been hacked and then she can explain the attempt to destroy this veteran to protect her. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

When the ignorant bitch starts posting her insane ramblings in the friendly confines of the Eccie Political Forum, I will call her an Idiot. Just as I do you!

Reality Check: I suspect there are also members of her union who are your fellow Tea Partiers, with equally extreme political views. Just because there are individual union members who have extreme political views (either far left or far right), it does not mean that their union or the Democratic Party holds the same beliefs.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-30-2013, 07:05 AM
I'm betting it was hacked.
I'm betting it was hacked. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
I'm betting that JD is an Idiot!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That, BT, isn't a bet. It's a fact.

I think JDIdiot woke up on Christmas morning with a lump of shit in his stocking because he's been raving in a higher key than normal lately. In fact, he may be the only guy on ECCIE who pick fights with people in his own review threads.

a real good guy...
Look, both ends of the political spectrum have their share of idiots, bigots, and racist.

She has her right to say that wounded soldiers are nothing but a burden on society just as much as Phil Robertson has a right to say that people who go against "God's Word" are sinners.

Just as millions of Bible Believing Christians came to the defense of Phil Robertson, I am sure millions of Union Members and fellow Democrats will come to the defense of this Lady.
That, BT, isn't a bet. It's a fact.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
JD being an Idiot is the safest "bet" around!

Look, both ends of the political spectrum have their share of idiots, bigots, and racist.

She has her right to say that wounded soldiers are nothing but a burden on society just as much as Phil Robertson has a right to say that people who go against "God's Word" are sinners. Originally Posted by Jackie S
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-30-2013, 09:43 AM
freedom of speech JD, nothing more, nothing less ... just like when you called the POTUS a Kenyan, communist.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have never called the POTUS a Kenyan. I have repeated other's claims and inadvertant claims by his supporters but I have never called him a Kenyan.

When I posted the Facebook page I noticed that some of the wind came out of Tampon's sails. He got his air back though and started posting bullshit. He did create a bit of a problem for himself. Tea Party people in a union in MA? Well that goes against a lot of his people have been posting about TP people being radicals, racists, commie baiters and they are in the same union as this awful woman. They can't both be true. So which is it Tampon?