Toby Keith,"Why does he hate America so much?" ''

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  • WTF
  • 12-31-2013, 03:59 PM
Poor Toby Keith...our Tea Nuts aren't just confined to posting in here!

One Facebook user wrote, "Exactly when did fans of Toby Keith become dumb enough to think a No Guns allowed sign posted by management would protect them from criminals that don't obey the law to start with? Loved the concerts, but none of my money will ever be spent where I can't defend myself." Another fan added, "No guns allowed? Why does he hate America so much?"
Toby hates the Constitution and is un-American. Probably a commie.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
These people are loons. It's Keith's restaurant. If he doesn't want guns in there, he can exclude them. It's his business. Complaining is their right, too. Maybe they will get him to change his policy. This has nothing to do with the Second Amendment.
These people are loons. It's Keith's restaurant. If he doesn't want guns in there, he can exclude them. It's his business. Complaining is their right, too. Maybe they will get him to change his policy. This has nothing to do with the Second Amendment. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Unless it was Oprah Winfrey excluding gun-owners from her restaurant. Clueless boy. Are you fucking serious?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what about the second fucking amendment?

Whiny, for a change is WKing for the commie bastard!
These people are loons. It's Keith's restaurant. If he doesn't want guns in there, he can exclude them. It's his business. Complaining is their right, too. Maybe they will get him to change his policy. This has nothing to do with the Second Amendment. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Of course it has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment. Liberals don't realize that. They are only concerned with off the wall issues like Racism, Gay Rights, Poor People, Taxes for the rich, safety in place of liberty, Abortion, cause women should be able to make decisions on their body and other stupid shit like that. They think that makes them true Americans and patriotic. But when a guy exercises his rights by putting a policy in place forbidding patrons from toting a gun in his place of business all of a sudden he hates America and is a commie. Liberals are the most confused fucks on the planet. They have no plan, no solutions to real problems. Their ideas are nothing more than boundless trash that don't serve any purpose.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of course it has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment. Liberals don't realize that. They are only concerned with off the wall issues like Racism, Gay Rights, Poor People, Taxes for the rich, safety in place of liberty, Abortion, cause women should be able to make decisions on their body and other stupid shit like that. They think that makes them true Americans and patriotic. But when a guy exercises his rights by putting a policy in place forbidding patrons from toting a gun in his place of business all of a sudden he hates America and is a commie. Liberals are the most confused fucks on the planet. They have no plan, no solutions to real problems. Their ideas are nothing more than boundless trash that don't serve any purpose.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

right wingers have done a great job of fucking up America. But they sure know how to play to their ignorant fucking audience, don't they?

Well said, Jim! the irony isn't lost on any of us...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Rationality and clear thought is routinely lost on AssupRidee, DEM.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, you obviously think Jim was being serious...

LMAO @ Knee skinning Salina Glory Holist!
The 2d Amendment is there to keep the Government from taking your guns.

Toby Keith can post all the signs he wants, but if I walk into his restaurant with a concealed weapon, he can't do a damned thing to me.

How would he know I was armed?

And even if someone who knew I was armed told him, all he can do is ask me to leave.

Which is his right.

right wingers have done a great job of fucking up America. But they sure know how to play to their ignorant fucking audience, don't they?

Well said, Jim! the irony isn't lost on any of us... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Democrats have done their fair share of fucking this country up as well. Both parties are fucking losers. If you think politics is designed to make your life better then I suggest you check into a Nursing Home, cause you're fucking demented.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Democrats have done their fair share of fucking this country up as well. Both parties are fucking losers. If you think politics is designed to make your life better then I suggest you check into a Nursing Home, cause you're fucking demented.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Politics no, government yes.

In guess we can tell which end of the bitter stick you're sucking on.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Politics no, government yes. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Really? GuAWD, you ARE a Kool-Aid sotted fool, AssupRidee, DEM! Government an agent of good? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Politics no, government yes.

In guess we can tell which end of the bitter stick you're sucking on. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That goes for Government too. Putting your trust in Government is not a good idea. You're on your own, do what you want.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
That goes for Government too. Putting your trust in Government is not a good idea. You're on your own, do what you want.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That's called FREEDOM!