Question for our providers....

Cpalmson's Avatar
I've got a question for our providers concerning oral sex. I've tended to notice a trend in what providers offer in terms of oral sex. Some of the younger girls are strictly CBJ even though they offer DATY. More of the mature providers are more willing to go with BBBJ. I've also tended to see the more mature providers who will allow CIM with either spit or swallow. For me, it seems like the over 30 providers seem to be more into the appointment in terms of what they are willing to do while the under 30 gals have a more restrictive menu. Anyone have ideas as to why this is? There are benefits to a CBJ in that you can go straight from oral to straight sex without stopping to put on the cover, but for me I prefer BBBJ if given the choice.
There are many STDs you can catch through BBBJ that you can not through DATY...

I suspect the younger providers have had safe sex practices drilled into their heads from either sex ed at school, planned parenthood, or the such. The older providers, I suspect, either do not realize that you can still catch STDs this way, or they are no longer overly concerned with it.

Here is a link to the STDs you can catch BBBJ vs DATY
That is one reason.. A subtlety that I notice is that the older and more mature we get, the more we appreciate and get into the act of sex. If a provider is not particularly into you, of course YMWV, but They won't spew out a grocery list of "I don't dos" For the most part, mature women are less hesitant to explore, and more open with their sexuality.
That is one reason.. A subtlety that I notice is that the older and more mature we get, the more we appreciate and get into the act of sex. If a provider is not particularly into you, of course YMWV, but They won't spew out a grocery list of "I don't dos" For the most part, mature women are less hesitant to explore, and more open with their sexuality. Originally Posted by luxury daphne
This is also an excellant answer! And I think I like it better then mine!
surcher's Avatar
Having never been with a provider under 30, I can't confirm your assessment.
Having enjoyed both sides of the age 30 fence, I didn't notice a particular difference in enjoyable services. But then, I always check the menu posted outside the door before making a reservation...

YMMV with me.
I didn't want to respond to this thread at first because talking about my CBJ-only policy tends to open me up for public criticism. Let's just hope that doesn't happen here.

I do not claim to speak for all of the twenty-somethings, but I can offer my personal perspective. I choose CBJ for a couple of reasons. Safety is a factor. Tiffany Cums' articles summed that up. Even if safety weren't a factor at all, I would still choose it. I simply prefer it that way. Sometimes people will ask me if the taste of the latex is unpleasant to me or if it feels impersonal. No! I still love it.

Also, Luxury Daphne is correct in that the older ladies will tend to be more open with their sexuality.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I tend to agree with Daphne. I really do believe in YMMV as Megan said. But that applies to most BCD activities. i have had some younger ladies allow some experimentation with me.

Respect, chemistry, so many things come into play between two people. As for me, I've never had a CBJ. That may have been the menu item, but I've experience BBBJ (mutual choices). Some with CIMNQNS. One was an 18 yo. But, my experiences have been very fortunate in the hobby.

Everyone is different. Only do what you're comfortable with at any time. I don't rule out anyone based on CBJ.