What are the requisites to be a Moderator on eccie?

atlcomedy's Avatar
Would someone in charge kindly respond?

Is being a liar a good or bad trait?

Just asking a question. One that you will not answer privately.
Lust at first Sight's Avatar
Man, I thought this was a:

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I read ur post from the other thread, and i say just relax and let it go.. Isnt the main point of the hobby is to enjoy yourself? Besides during my short time here, I feel a great sense of comradery here. In the end, these are the ppl who will look out for you by LEO alerts and bait N switch ladies.. The ladies here are also very helpful in my hobbying maturation process as I am still new at this. And they will probably be the only people who will feel bad for you if you got busted. i know my GF, family, ad friends won't have any sympathy for me.
Directly fuckin with the staff like this is never a good idea. Most of them have been around too long to take the bait. The owners will back them up. The good news is that they are pretty light on their bans. They want your money and your content.

If not this post, then another will do it. so at this point I would like to wish you a

atlcomedy's Avatar
why won't a mod man up and answer question?

Do you support liars??

I think if Chris/Tbone ban me for asking a legit question it says a lot about their character,,,,,
Lust at first Sight's Avatar
I have to agree with cpi3000 as I too also fear the worst for you.. I must admit that you do have guts to do what ur doing, but just move on to prevent anything harsh from happening. Your views are intriguing and somewhat insightful and does bring something to the table here as I like diversity in opinions. Don't let it be silenced forever because of a small disagreement.
atlcomedy's Avatar
thank you my friend.......
I'm not dumb....the problem for St. Chris is if he admits I'm correct (which I a am, I've been nothing but truthful), he risks pissing off ???? well ?????? I guess ???? liar is a safe word......
atlcomedy's Avatar
Bottom line.....the leadership of this forum thinks so little of me they won't give me the courtesy of a response...

are you a loser as well???????????????
atlcomedy's Avatar
Seriously isn't this the drama that plagued another site that starts with an "a"

Be a man and answer my question
Lust at first Sight's Avatar
Bottom line.....the leadership of this forum thinks so little of me they won't give me the courtesy of a response...

are you a loser as well??????????????? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
relax man, its 2 AM in the morning. they're probably asleep like normal ppl. Not sure why ur up but I'm just here to procrastinate on my project some more or else i'll be asleep too!!.. Sleep on it and maybe you'll get a response in the morning
Boy, I was really hopeing for that beer...I'm afraid now you're going to 'disappear'....

Please calm down...take your panties out of a bunch and relax...nothing about this is serious. It's not meant to be serious. It's meant to be relaxing and fun.
For most, GFE is just an illusion, or for that matter, enjoyment on both parts is an illusion...lieing is just an accepted part of this hobby...hence the fake names.

It's all part of it baby, and if you keep this up, you are going to be sad and lonely. I don't wish that on you.
shooter6.5's Avatar
but given the subject matter I'll give ya a very short answer.

First, show me someone that is truthful on here about EVERYTHING and I will show you a fool. Not only that, but other than info to decide on a visit do you believe that the majority of follks really are all that concerned. Do YOU post your private information here or for that matter any other place on the web. If you do then you really need to think about your own security. And I do support anyone who may fudge a bit when it comes to personal data. You have absolutely no need to know!!

To be a mod/admin it generally takes someone who is know to the owners and the rest of the staff and who is regarded well in the community. We have considered the use of a poly but could not find a proper administrator.

I would suggest that you take your crusade somewhere else. Because if Chris or one of the other staff members does not ban you and you keep this up then in the spirit of honesty--I WILL. And that, my friend is an honest answer.

Now you have a great day!!
Would someone in charge kindly respond?

Is being a liar a good or bad trait?

Just asking a question. One that you will not answer privately. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
IMHO, there are only two things it takes to be a mod:
  1. The owners pick the Mod, and
  2. The Mod agrees to serve.
On this board you do not have to pass an ethics test, get votes (other than from the owners), or pass any other standardized test.

For the most part, I think the Mods are good here. In any event, they have always been responsive to my requests, and yes, my criticisms.

But this crusade is going nowhere. IMHO, you should drop it.

Just my .02.

No we don't support dishonesty, and no we're not a "band of liars" For goodness sakes man, everyone here knows that every single thing posted on this board is factually correct, precise, and accurate. Where ya been mate?

I think your attempt to assassinate Cassidy's character, as well as the rest of ECCIE staff, has been a failure of gigantic proportion. You may be amusing yourself, but the folks you're attempting to entertain....the ones you may believe are "in your camp" are the same folks who have been RTMing your posts all night long begging us to muzzle you.

Here's a newsflash: ECCIE member profiles are fictional personas. I don't know how long you've been around, don't really care, but if ya really thought everyone's username, location, and other profile details were always based on real-life information, then I can understand why this whole situation has become such a life-altering matter that has consumed you.

Was Cassidy foolish in her revelation that "provider personas" don't always mirror their real life personalities. Perhaps yes....is that what you wanted to hear? Are you all the more foolish for beating this shit into the ground and doing your damndest to disrupt this board over this matter? Readers will draw their own conclusion.

Now I guess I need to address your membership here, since several have alluded to banning, said their goodbyes, and posted vacation notices. Well, you can take comfort in knowing you're not quite to that point yet. Like we told you in our Mission Statement, folks can play here until they've worn out their welcome. In other words, it's entirely up to you. Some folks may decide that I'm a Goddamn idiot for this, but I'll allow you one last response on this matter then we're closing the book on it. Consider it your chance to 'save face' or use it to 'go out with a bang'...the ball's in your court my friend. Who knows? You might just decide it's not worth the effort and return to your regularly scheduled programming.

Whatever you do, I hope you choose your words carefully and make it damn good and entertaining. That's the least you can do for our anxious audience who are eagerly awaiting your response. Make it count, man.

St. C

PS. Goddammit!! ..and I grew up thinking Charlton Heston was Moses. That MOTHER FUCKING LIAR!!!

I love this board...the mods are the most awesome that you will find...I love Cassidy, she gives so much of herself....
I have yet to be 'rubbed wrong' or truely upset at any posters here, but I do consider myself to have thicker skin then most...
I beleive St. Chris is spot on.....
Everyone in charge of this board deserves our praise.

I love this board...the mods are the most awesome that you wil find...I love Cassidy, she gives so much of herself....
I have yet to be 'rubbed wrong' or truely upset at any posters here, but i do consider myself to have thicker skin then most...
I beleive St. Chris is spot on.....
Everyone in charge of this board deserves our praise.

Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
+1 !!