I have a crush on a civie girl who cuts my hair and want her to be my sugar baby, need advice

TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
She doesn't know anything about my life but I started going to her every other week for a bang trim. I didn't have bangs until I met her and getting them was only so I could see her for trims.

I asked her to dinner tonight and I want to make her my sugar baby. I don't plan to tell her about the hobby (though I would eventually have to if the sparks fly) or try to get her into it at all, but I would like to spoil her and take her to New Orleans with me this weekend. I would need to offer her a tribute to motivate her to get out of her shift at work but this is new territory for me.

Is this even a good idea? How much should I offer her? How should I do it? She's only a 22 year old hairdresser at a cheap walk-in place and I think offering too much would be too much for her to handle or accept, but offering too little would devalue her, wouldn't it?

Whispers's Avatar
22yo civvies working that kind of job have usually not been many places or done much.....

I would simply invite her with no initial offer of compensation......

Something like.... "Hey..... All this hard work, day after day after day.... when do you stop to pamper yourself?....... Why don't you take the weekend off and come to New Orleans with me..... My treat!".....

and see how she responds...... It usually brings up the first objection to be overcome......

If she brings up work tell her "If you want to come I'll give you whatever you would have made for the weekend as well as throw in some spending money while we are out there.....We will relax, have a good time, ..... Come on.... It will be fun....."

Playing a civvie is different then playing someone around the business (i.e. stripeprs)..... Initially offering her money to do something might so shock their senses that they get creeped out by you....

Then again... what would I know about this kind of thing!
Whispers's Avatar
By the way.....

Where do you get your hair cut? I need a trim.
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 06-24-2010, 10:14 AM

Go for it! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If things don't work out, at least you tried. But things just might

Whispers gives great advice on a possible approach to this rewarding challenge. All the best of luck to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I would simply invite her with no initial offer of compensation......

Something like.... "Hey..... All this hard work, day after day after day.... when do you stop to pamper yourself?....... Why don't you take the weekend off and come to New Orleans with me..... My treat!".....

and see how she responds...... It usually brings up the first objection to be overcome......

If she brings up work tell her "If you want to come I'll give you whatever you would have made for the weekend as well as throw in some spending money while we are out there.....We will relax, have a good time, ..... Come on.... It will be fun....."

Playing a civvie is different then playing someone around the business (i.e. stripeprs)..... Initially offering her money to do something might so shock their senses that they get creeped out by you....

Then again... what would I know about this kind of thing! Originally Posted by Whispers
That is perfect advice, Whispers! Exactly what I was looking for! I'll tell you how it goes!

  • Zoey
  • 06-24-2010, 10:33 AM
Good luck!

I think just the proposition of the trip would be enough to get her excited.. especially if her interest is already sparked :-)
nawtynatalie's Avatar
Sounds like a the beginning of a fun and adventurous experience! She would probably enjoy the freedom from standing on her feet all day! Any girl would want to be whisked away on a stress free uninhibited recess in the BIG EASY! Le Bon Ton Roulet!
jsparrow's Avatar
Here Here, Whispers. Excellent advice.

Hope you have fun TM.
Wow. Good luck Taylor.

I'm sure she's have a great time with you, considering your luck at the gambling tables!

Though, she may need compensation depending on whether she lives with her rents, or with roommates. Taking off work isn't necessarily a good idea if bills are due. But asking without offering compensation would be the most tactful.
And all this time I thought Taylor had a crush on me . Go for it Taylor, nothing to lose, a lot to gain!

Happy Diver's Avatar
Just do it. I'm sure you're aware already but be subtle on the cash thing. I've had a couple of sugarbabes. It's a good deal. Be sure and let us know how it comes out.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Be ready to be disappointed, scare her off, etc.

I'm not saying don't make the pass. Just be ready to strike out.

It sounds silly to say that, but it's amazing how many people aren't prepared to handle it when they make a pass and fail.
All of the above is sound advice. Don't approach it as if she is your "Sugar Baby" until, as you put it "the sparks fly". I know that if she agrees to go, the seduction will take care of itself!

I think you will be fine just asking!! It really is amazing what you get sometimes just by asking.

Have fun, and as the old saying goes, "Don't do anything that I wouldn't do"!!!
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
She confirmed for dinner and I'm going to ask her what she would expect to make for the weekend. Then I'll offer to give her that plus the cost of the trip! I think she'll make a fine poker player! I made over $500 last week at a house game!
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 06-24-2010, 02:02 PM

Way to go and I truly hope dinner goes well. I'll be thinking about you tonight.

Spacemtn has given U some valuable advice so good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!