Olivia in Fargo?

Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this (I'm a newb, so a kind redirect in that case is much appreciated), but has anyone seen this provider in Fargo?


Seems like she'd be a great option in this area if she's legit.

Normally this would go in the Men’s Lounge but you probably don’t have access (unless you paid for it).
Skip the games is down right now so can’t use the link
Hooliganmike23's Avatar
She's not legit. She is a game player and time waster. She was going to meet with me today in the afternoon. Pretended to be getting ready and on the way. Of course when the time came no call no show. Tried calling her and the call was rejected right away. So as I said, game player and time waster. Either somebody just getting their jollies fucking with people or collecting phone numbers for some reason. I use an app always anyway so no big deal to me.