Interesting points about sugarbaby's

Escort dawn who tried sugarbaby says:
i've tried the sugardaddy route and honestly, most of them just seem like they want to monopolize you and your time. not for me. now i can see as few or as many clients as i want to make more money and i probably have less sex actually. and i get to have sex with more varied partners. like if you have a sugardaddy who's really shit at sex - then what? just stick it out? what if he's taking up too much of your time and not giving you enough money to cover your needs? you're supposed to keep feignng that you're doing it for his company (therefore differentiating yourself from common heuxs like me)? the whole thing is too fuzzy-lined for a practical woman like me. (Dave note has to look up what a heuxs is - fancy word for Hoe or "side chick")

the whole sugardaddy/sugarbaby thing is not at all different from prostitution. anyone who is trying to tell themselves that it's not sex work is delusional. it's basically sex work with more ambiguous boundaries.

Very active man says:
Personally i would rather pay out less money to more women for sex. If i want more than sex then i would do (the) dating game. But honestly not really interested in paying a sugar baby to take a trip with me.

But dawn has some good points. I think good negotiations would mitigate someone who is taking up too much time or not paying accordingly. Also a trial period would help a person decide if they could do it for longer. Anyway great to hear from someone who has experienced it.

Dave note this is from Canada where there are no real legal issues regarding consenting private adults vs. the U.S.
I have had several SD's and they did not come from those bogus sites. They started off as clients. Only one of them wanted me to stop seeing other clients in which for a year and a half I did. He paid all my bills purchased me a new vehicle which I still have and gave me a credit card to use plus took me on numerous trips. We were in a relationship you could say.

The other 2 was not as wealthy as my first one.They both paid my rent and gave me a small monthly allowance and I only saw them once a week. But , I still saw other clients which was ok with them.They both were married.

If a guy really wants to embark on a SD/SB relationship they will come to you and ask you how much are your monthly bills and the negotiation starts from there.

You will know if a guy is real or not because his actions will do all the talking. The fake ones well they do a lot of talking with their mouth not their wallet.